New player looking for helpful guild Agathon

Discussion in 'Guild Search' started by bryanhydroplane, Apr 25, 2023.

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  1. bryanhydroplane

    bryanhydroplane Forum Greenhorn

    Hello, I am a new but dedicated player looking to grow on US East Agathon, currently level 62. I am looking for a guild that I could become a part of that will help me progress so I can in turn help back. My in game name is bryanhydro1. Thank you!
  2. ldso

    ldso Advanced

    Hello, welcome to the game! We are glad to have you here :) Until you are able to find a guild that satisfies you, you can also try to whisper and invite random people and groups, as you may eventually find some people who are willing to help with certain objectives you'd like assistance with ^^