Feedback New Ranger Mythic Set (rant)

Discussion in 'General Forum' started by NicuuChu, Feb 26, 2023.

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  1. NicuuChu

    NicuuChu Someday Author

    So lets update this post after the last hotfix, what did it change?

    -now the duration of the buff seems to be right.
    -now even if u got the ea on cd the set still activates (maybe it was like this even before but the duration was to small and it wasnt possible to notice)

    All the other problems do remain tho:
    -The clunkyness of the on hit activation of the TOT (just make this on fire instead)
    -The EA cd doesnt get reset with set activation (feels so horrible makes u fail everything)

    If u guys fix this 2 problems the set is smooth and it will be fun\well functioning

    Lets see if we can see some hope at the end of the tunnel!

    A personal problem and a change i'd like to see in the game is this:
    Let us hold the key buttons, not only the mouse click.. come on i bet the event is integrated on that prestoric engine u're using XD

    Edit i dropped the ring after varius runs on lvl 145 too now EDIT

    Last edited by moderator: Mar 7, 2023
    anil611 likes this.
  2. Raichu007

    Raichu007 Someday Author

    Only drops on infernal and only in the 6 boss map
  3. NicuuChu

    NicuuChu Someday Author

    Update post after hotfix
  4. Chinney

    Chinney Forum Apprentice

    I hope they fixed the CD issue.


    Why does BGH Set for Rangers have PVP Penalty while all the other classes don't???
    Last edited by moderator: Mar 13, 2023
  5. jbhasti

    jbhasti Forum Greenhorn

    I would suggest reducing the skill Cool Down of Explosive Arrow but increasing the cost of resources.
    Drabis777 likes this.
  6. Drabis777

    Drabis777 Forum Apprentice

    I agree with this one but that would also mean that it needs more focus right? Unless you don't have that maxed out, it wouldn't be wise to use that skill early on.