Suggestion New servers fresh competition from scratc

Discussion in 'Creative Corner' started by XQuadro, Dec 1, 2022.

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  1. XQuadro

    XQuadro Forum Greenhorn

    Hello, I propose to create new servers to start pure fresh competition where everyone

    is on an equal footing and starts from scratch every player returning and wanting to come

    back I think that a lot of people would love to play on fresh servers would probably come

    back to the game :)
  2. Veteran666

    Veteran666 Active Author

    I have seen this suggestion many times in the forum,unfortunately BP will not make a classic server due to shortage of funds.
    The same goes for a new normal server,just check DSO SteamDB players numbers.
    Last edited: Dec 2, 2022
  3. ManaThief

    ManaThief Advanced

    What "competition" are you talking about?

    Why would anyone want to play on a fresh server? Several servers are almost empty as it is.
    -turok1999- and abrakadabraqwer like this.