new shell full moon

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by xenoura, Mar 4, 2014.

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  1. xenoura

    xenoura Forum Greenhorn

    warriors shield with 150% Block Rate is not more?
    so against the quiver and the book with 15%
    15% 100 = 15?
    attention this shield will not be good for the game balance
  2. Master0fpuppets

    Master0fpuppets Forum Baron

    If so, the new sheild have +150% on 45 level it would have 1989 block rate with talent for blocking. very good sheild, and it is not true that it's not gonna be good for game balance, couse I know more then a few of my friends that have 2100+ block rate, so the new, full moon sheild is not OP. :)
    Vendetta likes this.
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