New sugestions

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by luishorus, May 12, 2018.

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  1. luishorus

    luishorus Padavan

    Hi i think this is mi 1st time in the inglish forum and i have 2 sugestions for the devs,my 1st sugestion is for the fullmoon event:
    In the 1st map of foolmoon we have a 5 mint scroll to help us how about to create a special scrool for the bloodmoon map?
    My 2nd sugestion is for the underworld maps especialy from q7 q8 and q9,in those maps we only can find the materi portals in map 2 and in order to get all portals in a 5 chars party we scatered in the map, how about to create a marquer in the portals we kill to get easier to all members to locate them?
    P.s sorry about my english Thx!
  2. DocWhisky

    DocWhisky Forum Mogul

    Hmm... I like the idea of a marker to show each place where a Materi Fissure was defeated... maybe turn the red skull markers to blue or black once the fissure is defeated... nice suggestion.

    Thanks, Doc.
    meurerplay, wolfie54 and VoulaAek1 like this.
  3. wolfie54

    wolfie54 Active Author

    Very much like the suggestion of a place marker for the materi fissure locations. On large maps, which have wide flung fissures, it is sometimes hard to remember all the locations. The color change marker idea of DocWhiskey is a +1 ! Great original idea with a very nice refinement. Thanks you 2.
    DocWhisky likes this.
  4. bigfoot_pi

    bigfoot_pi Someday Author

    why not just turn the red skull into a picture of tiny materi frags once its defeated. and change the materi portals to look like materi portals on the map, not red skulls like world bosses like the miller- its confusing. nothing like going for materi portals and running into the miller and getting ice speared to death- nispyyyy
    Akageshi likes this.
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