Suggestion New Title and World Chat

Discussion in 'Creative Corner' started by Zigan, Sep 7, 2018.

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  1. Zigan

    Zigan Forum Apprentice

    Hi, new title for reaching knowledge level 200 would be good. For example: 'Wise' or 'Sage' might be cool.

    And I think world chat could be usable. (Being able to write to chat and all players can see this message on same server) Right now only cmjesse can use it on play2win events. It should be usable for everyplayer with 60 seconds cooldowns OR buying with andermants. Second option is unfavorable but you know BP more than me so... :rolleyes:
  2. heror

    heror Forum Baron

    why even give the second option as an idea.... i mean ye
  3. cdeepal

    cdeepal Forum Baron

    Yes, I agree to the world chat. Not only that, I would like to see the following community features:

    1. World chat (as Zigan pointed out above)
    2. Notification when a particular player came online. This could be a feature associated with the friends list. We can right click on a friends name and select "Notify me when this player comes online"
    3. When a person ask to join a group, currently it displays the PvP title and level. In addition to this I would also like to see the CV value of the person. (I know CV is not a good indicator, but at least it is better than nothing)
  4. _Baragain_

    _Baragain_ Living Forum Legend

    Along this line, I'd also like an "Away" indicator. I've often gone AFK for 20-40 min at a time and I come back to see several whispers and I know at least some of them think I'm ignoring them when I'm not. It could simply respond to the incoming whispers with a system message saying that the player is away. The "Away" notification could turn on after 5 min of inactivity or with a check box somewhere in the social menu.
  5. Hetsunien

    Hetsunien Padavan

    Or maybe just type in the chat box something like: /afk and see on the screen right to players name something like: Hetsunien AFK or Hetsunien (PVP) AFK
  6. ΣMiwel

    ΣMiwel Forum Ambassador

    CV changes with change of essence, so it would have to include the essence used. And even if it did, I wouldn't consider it worth even a single look.
  7. silverseas

    silverseas Count Count

    You already know what ess the person is using when you hover over the group thingamajig on the right side when you're inside a Dungeon/Wildness map. IIRC, just can't tell when in town because the group effects aren't active either.
  8. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    We already had this feature in the past (in the early game).
    Notifications were spamming the screen every time players from your friend list were switching maps or their connection was going up and down like a yoyo.
  9. Moot

    Moot Active Author

    From guildmates too, but it was kind of nice to know when a guildy came on even if they forgot to check in on the guild chat
  10. Thoradin

    Thoradin Board Administrator Team Drakensang Online

    I wonder why we dont have in Chat the Funktion /afk , that would be nice in future when somebody wrote on me after I type this in Chat than the message Sender would get the yellow message tha Player is away from Keyboard. Any other game Chat have this Funktion only DSO not why?
  11. vegetadavid

    vegetadavid Forum Mogul

    +1 for the new title.