Suggestion New weapon for rangers

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Narquelion, Jan 11, 2016.

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  1. Narquelion

    Narquelion Forum Greenhorn

    I think the game should be added to the crossbow. It's good in terms of visuals and story of the game.

    EDİT: Maybe should be added a armor penetration for only this weapon but this is just SUGGESION. Rangers have 45 level skill in third talent (level 49 !!) for armor reduction and this skill need 66 concentration with shortbow. DK have 18 level skill, SW have 30 level skill and SM have 20 level skill for armor reduction without of perk. More rangers use shortbow in pwp and can't use this skill.
    Last edited: Jan 14, 2016
  2. hempthegreen

    hempthegreen Advanced

    thats a different idea , But i like it!
    Narquelion likes this.
  3. epvp

    epvp Forum Apprentice

    Liked the idea. It should be 2H weapon with more dmg of course
    hempthegreen and Narquelion like this.
  4. _Baragain_

    _Baragain_ Living Forum Legend

    Could you imagine getting hit with an EA from a 2H monster cross bow? People will start begging for a RA nerf again.
    Narquelion and Morinphen like this.
  5. epvp

    epvp Forum Apprentice

    They will nerf EA in R160 I think. They dont need to make overpowered weapon, just better stats than longbow. Also without shield RA doesnt have much chance stand alive too long. You get more dmg but lose defense and attack speed
    Narquelion likes this.
  6. Narquelion

    Narquelion Forum Greenhorn

    you were right. EA was nerfed in R160. Direct damage and first talent has been reduced damage.
  7. pydragons

    pydragons Padavan

    Perhaps it should be stationary machine gun with slow but huge metal arrows. But then what would be the sole purpose of chocing any of the three types of weapon?
    Narquelion likes this.
  8. Perfect[IoN]1

    Perfect[IoN]1 Junior Expert

    i think it would be a great idea to bring a 3rd weapon type into the game,
    Shortbow - Fast and low damage
    Longbow - Slow and High damage
    Crossbow - low speed + damage but upgraded effecting both attack speed and damage with G.O.P

    this 3rd weapon type could be upgraded to 1hand or remain as 2hand weapon.. depending on investments made with gold mayb
  9. _Baragain_

    _Baragain_ Living Forum Legend

    While interesting, that would represent a serious change to the game mechanics. I'd hope that they would then do something similar for the other classes if they did implement that.
  10. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    The crossbow is not a weapon for rangers.
    Bows have every advantage over the crossbows ... the crossbow has only one advantage over the bow ... ease of use and anyone can use it with very little training. That is why in the old times it was weapon for disabled soldiers ... those who have had permanent body injury or disability.
    The other thing is ... in order to implement such weapon they need to rewrite the game mechanics from scratch.
    AnnaConda and VukChe like this.
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