Next event is...Sargon has arrived!!!

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Bearer-of-Death, Mar 26, 2014.

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  1. Khoainong

    Khoainong Someday Author

    Anyone knows the stats for dwarf's sargon weapon?
  2. perrush

    perrush Active Author

    Who said that they will probably screw the Sargon event too ... ...if this comes this way to the live servers ... ... they ***** it :)
  3. -epu020-

    -epu020- Forum Greenhorn

    Hi. Can anyone tell when is the sargon event coming for normal server or is it only april joke? :S
  4. Zokin

    Zokin Forum Expert

    (smashing head against a keyboard)
  5. Master0fpuppets

    Master0fpuppets Forum Baron

    These are the rewards for DK's so all new sargon gear, better this time, more armor and almost same HP. cool.

    btw play it in 720p :p
    Bearer-of-Death likes this.
  6. Serenthía

    Serenthía Someday Author

    Been there, done that :p... and hey at least there was a change of scenery

    It's just the TS experience and i'm sure they will probably do more changes (more bad than good of course) but let's hope all of the DSO players have a chance to participate and get the prizes.
  7. yzm5508512

    yzm5508512 Someday Author

    If i recall, the torse is the end price of the last sargon event. why torso agian? i think it should be sargon shoulder
    And i wonder whether we can have the set bouns with the "powerful" sargon and normal sargon.(i guess we can,maybe saving 45k glypha is the reason why it is called powerful:p)
    Last edited: Apr 1, 2014
    JudgeCZ likes this.
  8. JudgeCZ

    JudgeCZ Forum Expert

    Exactly! Why you put Sargon's torso again?! I was waiting for second piece so long time and now you failed so much! I will seriously think If I should make this event or not.
  9. qwertqet

    qwertqet Forum Apprentice

    this is powerfull torso (for 45lv) ;)
  10. joe6699

    joe6699 Junior Expert

    I want that bow!! Slow but powerful, just enough power to shoot powerful scattershot. I also have 300 coffee beans saved from previous Sargon event :)
  11. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    There are only 3 pieces of that set, and If remember correct this would be 5th or 6th event. They all have been given as a reward from progress bar. I have them all except the shadow bow for weapon set.
  12. yzm5508512

    yzm5508512 Someday Author

    not everyone play this game for a very long time, check wiki how long since the shoulder be the last reward of sargon event, more than 1 year my friend. SO why not shoulder this time?
  13. Bearer-of-Death

    Bearer-of-Death Exceptional Talent

    Hei guys, I don't wanna be "Bearer-of-bad-news":(, but what day is today???

    April 1, right!!! what if this event is a hoax???:oops:
    BP could be joking, right!!??;)
    Well, I'm just never know.:confused:
    :):):)have fun while you can:):):)
    Warlord likes this.
  14. BugaJakab70

    BugaJakab70 Active Author

    Must be an april joke. Many people missing only one piece from the set. Lets start a new set! :( (Insane)
  15. Rangor1

    Rangor1 Forum Apprentice

    the next event is terrifying shadows ;)
  16. sper009

    sper009 Padavan

    It's a completely new piece, just like the different versions of the New Moon gear (there were regular lvl40 items and 'Powerful' level 45 versions). The HP regen rate is higher on this torso than the level 40 item. I don't think they will be compatible with the 'old' Sargon pieces.


    All that effort to make a playable event just for April Fools? Yeah, BP probably would do something like that.
    Last edited by moderator: Apr 2, 2014
    Bearer-of-Death likes this.
  17. _Baragain_

    _Baragain_ Living Forum Legend

    I like that there is finally a pet that does something other than 5% HP that can be earned not bought.


    That is why I play solo or with guild groups. I don't trust pick up groups.

    Your wish is my command.
    In other news, for some reason, there is no torso for the dwarf yet... not cool!.
    Last edited by moderator: Apr 2, 2014
  18. NightWalker

    NightWalker Board Analyst

    Why the freaking beep is it armor again :(! I THOUGHT IT CYCLES THROUGH! Oh god, another year until the pauldrons/helmet are going to pop out! Last time Sargon was also an armor. :( I know it is "powerful" this time but still A dozen Sargon runs and I still can't seem to find the helmet for costume lol......:p that is the main point why I wished it was helmet this time. Got like 20x of other parts and 50 times of that shadow band. Nice job listening to player's suggestion of releasing pets other than just 5% hp bonus :) At least that is a good improvement.

    EDIT: AND HOORAY FOR SARGON! YAAAAA!!!! Please do change it to pauldrons or helmet before it hits the live server :\ I would also like to know whether the powerful set can be combined with the normal one. Without 3 pieces the powerful set is still weaker than the normal one.
    Last edited: Apr 2, 2014
  19. Khoainong

    Khoainong Someday Author

    Lol that's crappy dam for sargon weapon, i thought at least it would be the same as sw's weapon (+219 dam). Even my legendary has higher dam >.>

    Edit: Hand on, why is dwarf's is only lv 40? I just realised it's not 'powerful'

    Nvm, i got the answer haha
    Last edited: Apr 2, 2014
  20. multitoonz

    multitoonz Forum Great Master

    All 3 pieces of Sargon Armor can be gotten as drops from him too. I know people who got 2 of 3 pieces as drops just from kills. I only ever got the cloak, tons of them, but there is a chance for the other gear too. That emote armor is the worst idea, that gear drops too from Sargon kills, so am confused as to the progress bar rewards myself. Now no Dragan to kill this event and he was the one who dropped Torso in all the old Sargon events, so maybe that is why they put it as reward.
    But like you said, Hooray for a Sargon event.
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