Night0wls Guild - Heredur

Discussion in 'Guild Introductions' started by Morinphen, Jun 21, 2017.

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  1. Morinphen

    Morinphen Forum Overlooker

    Presentation updated.
  2. Phyrix

    Phyrix Count Count

    Good guild, Joined them and do not regret it.
  3. Morinphen

    Morinphen Forum Overlooker

    Presentation updated.
  4. SamuraiD

    SamuraiD Forum Greenhorn

    Hello, there! I want to join! I've been searching an active guild for quite some time. Lvl 55, ranger. Active everyday. My in-game name is Samuraidi. I would really like to join an active guild, cause I need some help getting stronger. Any other info needed?
  5. Shazam

    Shazam Forum Greenhorn

    Hello, I would gladly join your guild

    character:Aatro0xx (55 lvl warrior)

    I am from Bulgaria
    My understanding of English is pretty good
    I play mostly in the weekends or 18:00-23:00 and i also use discord
  6. Morinphen

    Morinphen Forum Overlooker

    You can both contact one of us in-game and you can join our Discord server for starters.
  7. ZeroooSkill

    ZeroooSkill Forum Greenhorn

    Hello there, i'm interested in joining the guild. I'm experienced in using Discord and would say my english is pretty good, so calling while playing is not a problem (I actually prefer calling while playing).
    Game-wise i would say i'm dedicated to grinding my ranger and still got a lot of space for improvement which i'm willing to fill (via picture with my stats below).
    Also i am from the Czech Republic.

    Thank you.
    ZeroooSkill, Heredur.

  8. Morinphen

    Morinphen Forum Overlooker

    Heya! Get in touch with one of us in-game, join us on Discord and we'll talk from there :D.
  9. k4zperr

    k4zperr Forum Greenhorn

    Hello Morinphen i dont know if you remember me (K4sperr) my ingame name is now K4s, i would really like to join ur guild. im very used to discord and use it everyday, english speaking and typing, very dedicated to the game on my mage lvl 55 i play many hours a day and in weekends, i have 43k dmg atm :)
  10. Morinphen

    Morinphen Forum Overlooker

    Yeah, rings a bell! Just contact one of the officers in-game and join our Discord, and we'll do the rest from there ;).
  11. mihaimita6

    mihaimita6 Forum Greenhorn

    Hello. I'm Michael in real life in game I'm diavolov.(55 ranger)
    I'm kinda friendly
    I'm playing this game since 2010-2011
    I'm active in the game....sometimes I have breaks cuz of some really life events
    I never tried before an active guild cuz I didn't had the chance but I will like to
    I stay a lot in game and I like some guild where I can stay with my friends to farm and to laugh every time.
    See ya in game if I get the chance to get one of ya in party.
    Morinphen likes this.
  12. sas45

    sas45 Forum Greenhorn

    Hello guys , i would like to join to your guild , i have a lvl45 dwarf . Im from romania , but beside that i also know hungarian and english . ty
  13. anel234

    anel234 Forum Greenhorn

    Hello there, my old name was HyperDubstep ( I joined your guild maybe a year ago) and after a long hiatus I want to come and play DSO with you guys again. If by any chance you have any space in your guild I would gladly come join you guys.
    My ig name is Detruidor2

    Cant wait to see familiar names again.
  14. Morinphen

    Morinphen Forum Overlooker

    @mihaimita6 - Hehe, good that you contacted us directly, haven't logged on here for a good long while.

    @sas45 - I'm afraid the level requirement is 55, but feel free to contact us once you reach it (or maybe you have already).

    @anel234 - As usual, see you on Discord and we'll go from there.
  15. Mdk3

    Mdk3 Someday Author

    Still recruiting ? I'm looking for a guild. My name is mdk3 on Heredur, ranger, 30k dmg.
  16. Morinphen

    Morinphen Forum Overlooker

    Nice, see you in-game for the talking & everything ;).
  17. presaon

    presaon Forum Greenhorn

    hey i am a active lvl 40 dragonknight and would like to join your guild my ingame name is Tempux :)
    (server heredur)