Feedback no bans for abusers? +some general feedback

Discussion in 'General Forum' started by RacoonBoyTrashPanda, Jul 30, 2023.

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  1. T3SS

    T3SS Forum Apprentice

    I understand you wanted to be “fair” with other players, but what does that even mean? What if there was no bug and you got 200 jewels in 5k runs… You would have loads of dust anyways but all of the sudden it wouldn’t be considered unfair?
    IMHO, every paying player had the same opportunity so noone was given an advantage. If you decided not to use it to help you, it’s your choice.

    And just to be clear, yes I definitely would have used jewel bug had I known it sooner. My bad I came too late
    Last edited: Aug 8, 2023
    CaballoLoco likes this.
  2. EmilyRose

    EmilyRose Forum Duke

    The problem is not to be "fair" to other players, but with the game itself, when the game is fair to me.
    For me it's not a competition between me and the others, but a challenge between me and the game.
    If the game tends towards a goal that you can reach in a certain number of hours of play, the road should be traveled without external help (bugs, bots or other).

    If instead the game allowed 200 jewels in 5k runs for some and 0 for others, then it would be the game that was being unfair to the players and not the player who got the jewels ;)
  3. RacoonBoyTrashPanda

    RacoonBoyTrashPanda Forum Apprentice

    The problem is not, whether ot not abused dust has any effect on "your" "player"... The problem is, people got 700 euro worth of dust for 3 euro. Now, not acting on it, sets a precedent, where next time, more and more people will perform similar exploit, to the point where, they wont be able to ban 80% of the playerbase right? or punish hard enough for the punished players to stop playing/paying.

    What they had to do is, stop the game fro 1-2 days when the exploit got found, fix the EDIT and reroll back to the very start of the event, with bought stuff re-given. + compensation for lost time during down time.

    What they did was pretty much nothing, false threats on discord that "abusers will be punished, etc". and now almost a month later we see ZERO results.

    What i did was gather about 800-ish jewels, i did not melt any of them, i kept one and upgraded it to legendary, and the rest of the jewels were taken away by the game during out latest patch.

    Now, im kinda mad that i didnt melt anything tbh, EVERY DANG TIME there is an exploit there is either no actions or very small insiginficant actions taken... I wish a more competent team would enter the game, but unfotunately, we are stuck with what we got...

    I love the game, ive grown up with this game, this game took nearly 1/3 of my life. And i hate to see it go down like the way it is right now...

    using almost 20 years old engine, having 200+ errors appear in the client log file while entering a new map, until the client brute-forces the server to let the player in the next map... ;Kingshill chat in grimmag server is literally occupied by russian speaking players who talk dirty stuff late at night... Almost no new players to the game, existing low-power players NEED to be carried in order to develop the character...

    Im so sorry, that im not a real-real programmer, otherwise i would have filed a CV to enter the dev team to fix the crap they try to pull of as a game...

    and what i mentioned above is only the very tip of the iceberg... The fact that we used to get DETAILED patchnotes about everything + maps guides, event guides, etc... now we get 2-3 rows of patchnotes if we get lucky...

    If any mod is reading my comment, i am ready to write patch-notes for you if you are willing to feed me info beforehand so people can atleast have something to look at, oh forgot about one little detailed, im banned on 7 accounts from the official discord, for posting dog gifs, instead of cat gifs, yeah look at your discord mods as well :))))))
    Last edited by moderator: Aug 10, 2023
  4. salotr

    salotr Active Author

    Me too.
    I play just like that, calmly, no rush and enjoying when I get something difficult after several attempts.
    Last edited: Aug 11, 2023

    FAALHAAS Forum Duke

    EDIT Its allot easier for a fairly new account to take the risk of being punished/banned than for someone playing many years.

    And since the mods said exploiting this would be punished, I didn't take the I lost allot of dust by not willing to risk being banned. EDIT
    Last edited by moderator: Aug 10, 2023
  6. -dravin-

    -dravin- Junior Expert

    Wow.. players are still talking about was over almost two weeks ago and the jewels was removed and some players where really how much more punishment do you guys want for a mediocre bug.. sounds more like most of you are now mad that you didn't take advantage of the bug and reap the extra dust.. I think it's hilarious that you all are so made about a game that's completely F2P.. just enjoy the game like you was doing before the bug was even discovered.. One of the best events ( MONSTER HUNT) in the game start today so maybe try to enjoy the event..