No, seriously, you destroyed 1h DK class

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by KrivQrac, Jul 21, 2017.

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  1. KrivQrac

    KrivQrac Forum Apprentice

    With enormous damage rates, there is no way for 1h DK to win the arena. No more skill, just luck. If you hit, you win. If not, you are dead. If I wanted gambling game, I wouldn't play MMORPG. This is shame.
  2. -DeathRaider-

    -DeathRaider- Forum Pro

    The best dk's are actually 1 handed. One dk I know has damage like a strong 2 handed dk. Is going to switch over to 1handed set up for pvp when he crafts a good shield. This game is patience. If you can't wait and farm, this game is not for you. The hardests dks for me to fight are the 1 handed high damage ones. Here are other stats of the 1 handed dk in my guild. 70% crit, 400% crit damage and 15k+ res, 80% armor, 80% block rate and also as I can tell 8k+ damage. With these stats can compete and beat the very best.. At lvl50 people couldn't pristine craft and the game was simpler. Now you can put 4 gold legendary's stats onto unqiues and has opened massive possibility that you may not be calculating fully.

    Also I agree that 1 hit set ups are so annoying especially for classes like mage. The other day I was doing pvp with my dk that's isn't really strong but is good and was fight 5 mages and 3/5 were 1 shoting me when I had 8k resistance and 33k hp. I was in fact though not in full pvp set up though. I usually have 46k. In pvp I would recommend in some way the classes have less damage or everyone have more hp. It needs reworked so in pvp its a bunch of I hit before you hit me one time.
  3. Demon

    Demon Forum Mogul

    I have 79.4 with 74.3 block 71% armor 64% resist and 88k life i die from q7 set rangers from 3 balls after they broke my armor, mages they need to hit me more but that burning ball it burn me no mater if i use a skill that brake the spells efects.
    So that burning ball in my opinion has a bug or something because he shoiluld top burning when i use the skill that should stop secondary efects of skills.
    I trust BP to ballance the dk with a good 1h weapon and some low percentage of braking armor when this is happen in pvp.
  4. User330K

    User330K Junior Expert

    The after burn 'debuff' we get from mages or other like debuffs always worked like this. I always suffer the full damage of these cause when I use the escape skills after get in a fireball the after burn still didnt activate. And since it wasnt active and i used dive or adrenalin it just didnt disappear from me, so it triggers just like I hadnt done anything against it.
    There is a small trigger time - about a second - and these side damages triggers only after that time.

    Its just the same with the Dragon slayer sets fire burn effect on stabing with critical hits. It has a triggering time which doesnt allow to actually take effect while you keep stabbing the enemy. So as long as you keep hitting the monsters and landing critical hits the after burn doesnt start, only resets the triggering time without making damage.
    With mages burning there is no such stuff since they throw one and run, but by archer its most of the times ineffective cause why would I run after a crit hit when I can continue stabing? Totally futile set bonus as it is now.
  5. MANOJ

    MANOJ Forum Pro

    Imagine a 1H shield ranger or mage in PvP lol
    The PvP is wrecked totally, I hate doing it for daily challenges
    lol9696 likes this.
  6. Fugnuts

    Fugnuts Forum Master

    With the current dmg, if the shield wont block the hit of your opponent u are dead.No wonder the 1hand builds are dead.
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