Nobles of Duria on Agathon - Now Recruiting!

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Dragonnns, Jan 16, 2016.

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  1. Dragonnns

    Dragonnns Count Count

    Nobles of Duria is now accepting new members on Agathon!

    We are an English speaking guild. Most guild members are over level 40 but we are accepting all levels. We will work with, advise, and help you achieve your goals. We hope you will return the favor when you reach end game.

    All levels and classes are welcome as long as you aspire to excellence and superiority of the nobility (just kidding!).

    These are our rules:
    1. Be willing to help out other Guild members.
    2. Be courteous and kind.
    3. Do not smack talk other Guilds.
    4. Always represent the Guild with Valor and Honor - we are the Nobles after all.
    5. Have FUN above and beyond all else!

    Please check out our guild forum - Nobles Of Duria webpage.

    If you are interested in joining, please provide your in-game name here, apply via the website, or contact any of the following officers:
    Lygeena (Guild Master)
    Last edited: Jun 1, 2018
  2. deidre71

    deidre71 Junior Expert


    i will still like to purpose a merger with you guys i think it would be mutually beneficial, i would be willing to call it the phoenixofduria, i know you guys have history with the name noblesofduria but i want us to have an alliance cause in the long term it would make for a stronger guild on both ends, please consider this, thanks gimli71
    Last edited by moderator: Jan 17, 2016
  3. Dragonnns

    Dragonnns Count Count

    That would basically be leaving one guild and joining another. Anyone can do so if they wish but there are many of us who have no intention of leaving.

    Of course, you are welcome to create your own guild if you wish. But, please, don't poach from other guilds (ours included). There are many people looking for guilds to join. Invite them to your new guild.
  4. deidre71

    deidre71 Junior Expert

    Thank you for your reply, its apparent at this time that you have no interest in merging i was offering to help you guys, please keep the merger in the back of you minds for the future if you should decide to thanks for your response and your time.
  5. Blacksparrow

    Blacksparrow Forum Greenhorn

    Hello, I'm interested in joining the guild. My in-game name is Blacksparrow
  6. deidre71

    deidre71 Junior Expert

    did you end up going with noblesofduria i got your alert and tried to recruit you for eternal flame we have teamspeak just let me know if thats where you are, i am a level 50 dk named padmeme or a ranger named gabrielle71 or a level 43 named gimli71 thanks or if you are stuck in a non english guild again we are on agathon and look forward to hearing from you
    Last edited: Mar 26, 2016
  7. Dragonnns

    Dragonnns Count Count

    Hi Blacksparrow. If you are still interested in joining Nobles of Duria, let me know and I can send you an invite.
  8. MagicMoon89

    MagicMoon89 Junior Expert

  9. Dragonnns

    Dragonnns Count Count

    Invite sent!
  10. sickle

    sickle Forum Greenhorn

    Hey I would like to talk to about joinin ur guild. ign is Sickel
  11. Dragonnns

    Dragonnns Count Count

    Questions answered and invite sent!
  12. divaofdanger

    divaofdanger Forum Greenhorn

    Applied via the website. I forgot to mention my SM's char name. Pokerindafront.
  13. Sunlight

    Sunlight User

    Hey there @Dragonnns ,

    We are proud to see that your guild is having success! ;) Congratulations!

    We hope that some more heroes will join your guild - to conquer Dracania.

    nanc likes this.
  14. Dragonnns

    Dragonnns Count Count

    Invite Sent!
  15. nanc

    nanc Forum Greenhorn

    Nobles of Duria is now accepting new members on Agathon!

    We are an English speaking guild. Most guild members are over level 40 but we are accepting all levels. We will work with, advise, and help you achieve your goals. We hope you will return the favor when you reach end game.

    All levels and classes are welcome as long as you aspire to excellence and superiority of the nobility (just kidding!).

    These are our rules:
    1. Be willing to help out other Guild members.
    2. Be courteous and kind.
    3. Do not smack talk other Guilds.
    4. Always represent the Guild with Valor and Honor - we are the Nobles after all.
    5. Have FUN above and beyond all else!

    Please check out our guild forum - Nobles Of Duria webpage.

    If you are interested in joining, please provide your in-game name here, apply via the website, or contact any of the following officers:
    Lygeena (Guild Master)
  16. GodChronos

    GodChronos Forum Expert

    Agathon sounds like a nice server I would like to play there myself but making a new char will make all my progress be nothing. :(
    Dragonnns likes this.
  17. 1stFirecaster

    1stFirecaster Forum Greenhorn

    Hi I am definitely interested in becoming a member of your guild. I have 2 characters: a level39 Dragonknight named Phenixthe1st; and a level 30 Ranger named Phenixrising. I play on the East coast server Agathon, but am actually located on the West coast. Hope to hear from you.
  18. Dragonnns

    Dragonnns Count Count

    Did you want both in the guild or one. We'd prefer one to start. Let us know which!

    THESTIGMS Forum Apprentice

    My in game name is Doguldur
  20. Dragonnns

    Dragonnns Count Count

    Invite Sent!
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