Bug Non stop Error 37 & 21, random freezes and disconnects

Discussion in 'General Forum' started by DocWhisky, Mar 8, 2023.

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  1. DocWhisky

    DocWhisky Forum Mogul

    Lately we have seen an increase in ERROR 37, ERROR 21, Random disconnects and screen freezes.
    I sent a ticket into support over a week ago and still have not heard anything back.

    Why do the devs keep adding stuff to the game when the stuff thats already in the game is so bugged?????

    Instead of wasting time creating things nobody asked for, why not spend the time fixing the game and making it stable???

    These are not small grievances. These bugs make the game frustrating and unplayable. And whats even more frustrating is the fact that other companies have fixed these types of issues years ago....

    DSO is not the only game I play. So yes, I can say there are similar games that lack the constant cast of bugs and glitches that plague DSO. FACT!
    a6a000 and bilybob like this.
  2. Chinney

    Chinney Forum Apprentice

    Time is irrelevant. Skill, knowledge and passion are the issue here.
    a6a000 and bilybob like this.

    FAALHAAS Forum Duke

    But the shop/lootboxes/etc. work fine right? Sooo who cares about those errors.....
    a6a000, wayne63 and bilybob like this.
  4. Mirak1993

    Mirak1993 Forum Apprentice

    Yes, the same thing happened to me, it takes me out of the game.
    a6a000 likes this.
  5. Chinney

    Chinney Forum Apprentice

    Hi to Mr. Error 37!!:)
    Hi Again to Mr. Error 37!!:)
    Last edited: Mar 19, 2023