Feedback November/December 2022: Events feedback

Discussion in 'Discussions on Current Topics' started by Melethainiel, Nov 1, 2022.

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  1. gintarszb

    gintarszb Junior Expert

    Very good to broke traditional 1.5k coins price to open chest..? my alternate noobs don't agree on that topic. Only increased drop from snowmen it' s ok..
    And nothing new from Premium day, Emilia don't even have repainted doggy ..? :( :eek: That a boring event... except gems nothing interesting here.
    Still invisible mobs...that's cool , no need to fix..." i like them very much"... :rolleyes:
    Last 3rd mini, servers failing , "servers hanging because high overload " nice... :mad::eek:
    Last edited: Dec 28, 2022
  2. MythicG

    MythicG Forum Greenhorn

    I cant craft the new jewel cause i miss the first mini i just need 1 Frost fragment EDIT
    Last edited by moderator: Dec 29, 2022
  3. Selene-Rip

    Selene-Rip Regular

    the new event arrives while the current one is not finished. little complicated for people who have not finished the event or who have just started the game
    gbit likes this.
  4. Lambrusco

    Lambrusco Board Analyst

    I like to see that a part from the rot event there's no more events in january...
  5. Enaggelion

    Enaggelion Forum Apprentice

    Happy New Year indeed!

    Just wondering, it would be nice to get a bonus code to start the year ;)
  6. Selene-Rip

    Selene-Rip Regular

  7. ldso

    ldso Advanced

    Hello :) This is a known issue at the moment ^^
  8. Selene-Rip

    Selene-Rip Regular

    I know this has been known for a long time:), I just wanted to support the fact that since time nothing has been resolved