Discussion in 'Quests' started by Megyer1997, Dec 18, 2020.

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  1. Megyer1997

    Megyer1997 Forum Greenhorn

    Hi All,

    where can i find the materi phantoms? what difficulty?

  2. silverseas

    silverseas Count Count

    Go to maps like Brigavik or Tetaconetl. At some point you will see a brown swirl. Walk all 360 degrees around it to maximize how many things spawn and kill them. If you have group members make sure ALL of them do the 360 walk too. After you've all done a little ring around the thingy, then you can click it if you want, but that's completely unrelated to the particular quest you're talking about.
    dphnvr8e likes this.
  3. Lambrusco

    Lambrusco Board Analyst

    Hi. Remember to do all this taking some distance between each member of the group, do not forget the face mask, and use hydroalcoholic gel in case you give each other hands. While going arround, you must sing some xmas song as aloud as possible. make sure your neighbors hear you and they, not the neighbors, but the enemies will drop you some blue boxes like presents...

    Enjoy the game.