Discussion in 'General Forum' started by G.O.A.T, May 15, 2023.

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  1. G.O.A.T

    G.O.A.T Forum Greenhorn

    My suggestion it's obvious, I've seen a few videos on old Dragan set for mages, and it had no need to nerf in order to BGH set to become meta, even had a few guild members who did maps together and they agreed that the new set was faster, so why could't you guys leave us with our double spheres and extra 5%CD, now dragan doens't visually double the spheres plus has -5%CD nerf, it was 25% now its 20%, why in the world?
    I'm sorry, just really sad about it, waited a hole year for the event and now the set ain't the same, I know this BGH set reminds of the old sigrismar set, but it had no need to nerf mages like that, rangers get 500% damage in 1 sec now, and no one complains about it,
    Ik you forum moderators problably can't do much, but I would love so much to see the spam of spheres again Xddddd
    _mrak11_ and Ckd like this.
  2. Mr.Poitin

    Mr.Poitin Forum Apprentice

    For Mage.
  3. JarFall2000

    JarFall2000 Forum Apprentice

    if you read the set effect for rangers in dragan set i have it on my dk and dwarf its the best for dk second is mage drawf and for rangers its not recommended cause its useless and nobody want the range class to be a meelee class it also need 5x jewel of fucos to be able to usee
    also the bighunt set is not real it requires ALOT OF Andermant Mortis bones books and its not craftable if you play dso for along you will understand it also dont take all you see in youtube is real cause bighunt set nobody realy got it only those who work at dso its not even guarantee after 100 runs think about it