Announcement One Click Payment - Fast Pay Guide

Discussion in 'Payment FAQs' started by teddy.bear, Jan 14, 2015.

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  1. teddy.bear

    teddy.bear Forum Ambassador

    One Click Payment - Fast Pay Guide

    Please note: This is an AB test which means that everyone will see this feature in the beginning.
    We will keep you posted with more information.

    You will see in the left corner of the screen another symbol than the "add Andermant" icon. The new symbol will look like this:


    You can do a normal purchase, you will go through the normal payment process as always:


    The new thing is that payment will ask you at one step to save your card details, for example:


    Not all payment options are available for the Fast Pay, for example "Sofortüberweisung":

    If you have saved for example your MasterCard data, it will get saved as a FastPay option and you do not need to encounter all your data again and again.

    If you click for example on 1500 Andermant, you will see this:

    This makes the shopping faster. ​
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