One shot: Holy Cow!

Discussion in 'PvP Players Wanted' started by salotr, Dec 1, 2022.

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  1. salotr

    salotr Forum Pro

    Here we go.......once more!
    Me Lv28 mage with 2900 health point or so, defeated, no, obliterated with one basic shot by Lv22-25 players. So, no special attack o stuff like that.

    My first reaction was this:

    I don't know how a player can do such damage, maybe they bought some things that allow it, or they are good pvp players who know how to increase specific stats and they know how to play their class.

    But the most incredible thing is the damage done in a millisecond, and what's even more incredible is that there's no way to escape or time to think about what to do.



    I did some research on which stats an item must have both for pve and pvp. These 3 primary stats are: damage, health points and crit.

    That said, an item obtained from a mob or boss will never directly have these 3 stats.

    The only way is at the workbench, melting 4 objects to get a final one that has just those 3.
    Last edited by moderator: Dec 2, 2022
  2. Melethainiel

    Melethainiel Team Leader Team Drakensang Online

    Hi @salotr ,

    If you wish to add to your post, please use "edit" option. Consecutive posting is not allowed.

    Good luck!:)

    FAALHAAS Forum Duke

    PVP is a sad situation in this game, but since Dark Legacy update; lowlevels can acquire higher level gear if they get carried by stronger players/friends/guildmembers.
    This is unfair to newbies like you, since like you said you have ZERO chance vs these noobs.
  4. salotr

    salotr Forum Pro

    I dont know if they get carried, anyway I'll try to improve(in some way) those 3 stats.
  5. ldso

    ldso Advanced

    Hello :) Another option you have is to build your character for pve first, and then move on to building your pvp setup ^^ It might get easier after you are lvl 100 and are able to farm the same items and resources as others, and then can use those to work on fixing up a pvp-specific build you want with the extra farming strength you would have at that point
  6. salotr

    salotr Forum Pro

    For pvp I only do one daily pvp challenge, sometimes I complete two pvp challenges if I'm lucky.

    Like you said it's better to focus on pve first, so I can learn how to upgrade items.