Other PVP flaws

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by ROTH66, Mar 11, 2014.

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  1. ROTH66

    ROTH66 Someday Author

    Grouping for PVP. When one team does that, the other team is doomed.
    I don't think there are many "Recruit" ranks, out there who team up, as the devs might thought at the beginning of time. It's gonna be marshal + marshal + marshal + ardent koto + feld-marshal.
    This option should be obliterated today! And never mentioned again.
    But then again is just my opinion, so if the players REALLY really need this option, and they think they can't breathe without it, then at least, try and modify the system to find a team of close ranks, both xp and pvp levels.
    Last edited: Mar 11, 2014
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