Parallel Khaly's armor has raised?

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Geobli, Dec 27, 2013.

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  1. Geobli

    Geobli Advanced

    I notice that she blocks much more dmg then before, with 899max dmg, my crit dmg didn't changed is the same as before, I was criting(blue ess) 6,7k Critical Dmg with Precision Shot on her, now with 947max dmg the maximum critical I got on her was 6,25k... hmm, a change without informing users? Did anyone have any info about that?

    P.S. I'm not the only one who noticed that. :)
  2. Paavelsons

    Paavelsons Regular

    get use to it. some things arent just worth to say to players :D somone will see changes anyway. i read some thread and there was said we applied patch to live server so players have getting some errors, something like that...

    but what we gonna do if they change when we get better gear. i get +400 damage to 900-1100 base damage and they will increase health or armor.. well 400 overrated but you get the point..
  3. daywaker2

    daywaker2 Forum Demigod

    They always make bosses stronger and thinks we not know it... same on mortis.
  4. TheInfamous

    TheInfamous Board Analyst

    Maybe because you're now fighting a higher-leveled Khalys?
  5. Geobli

    Geobli Advanced

    Last edited: Dec 27, 2013
  6. TheInfamous

    TheInfamous Board Analyst

    What's that supposed to mean? You didn't specify when "before" was... so I guessed.
  7. Geobli

    Geobli Advanced

    You guessed? More like you trolled. :) It is easy to understand in a post like this what a person means, it is not necessary to explain everything in details, it's not a "ticket" for support, it's a forum thread to hear others views on such thing. It is about a change noticeable recently, not something that happened 4-5 months ago.


    nevertheless, what do u mean by before? i havent been at khalys's for like a month, did that change happen during that period?
  9. Master0fpuppets

    Master0fpuppets Forum Baron

    Khalys have more damage to, if u did not know. How I know this? She is doing same damage to me as I never increased armor from 2960 to 3510, even with a buff @ 3847 armor almost same damage to me as with 2960 armor...
    Geobli likes this.
  10. Geobli

    Geobli Advanced

    Before 1-2 week/s and now. Before r116.
  11. _Baragain_

    _Baragain_ Living Forum Legend

    The answer to your problem is math, specifically diminishing returns. 2960 armor gives about 60% damage reduction at LVL 45. 3847 armor only gives about 65-67% damage reduction. Say she has a base damage of 700-1000. That means she would hit a character with 2960 armor for about 280-400. Once you upgraded your armor and used a buff, she would be hitting you for 245-350... a difference of 35-50 damage per hit. Don't know about you, but I would barely register a difference of 40-50 damage per hit and it would seem like nothing had changed. Any DK that has 3500 armor should have no issue tanking her anyway so what is your complaint.

    You do her in different sized groups? When I am in a 3 person group, she dies easier and with less trouble than when we go with groups of 5. The reason... Scaling sucks. Armor and HP go up and so do pain and suffering.
  12. Geobli

    Geobli Advanced

    Talking about 5 mans group, I know about scaling. :)
  13. Master0fpuppets

    Master0fpuppets Forum Baron

    not true at all.
    I have 3522 armor and she is not doing 280-400 dmg but 1100 to 1400 dmg ... maybe its couse of my shield I dont know (2x 40% block rate 1x 50% dmg reductio - 4 months of farming).
  14. _Baragain_

    _Baragain_ Living Forum Legend

    I was just giving example numbers to show the little difference it makes having over 60% armor makes at higher levels. I'd have to make a couple of runs to check the numbers myself, and then I might be able to estimate her actual base damage.

    Also, are we talking the melee strike or the andermagic missle? I think the strik is all physical, but I haven't tested that either.
  15. Master0fpuppets

    Master0fpuppets Forum Baron

    khalys and clones shot andermagic misle but when I get close she is all melee, the damage is the same for bouth in my case.
  16. TheInfamous

    TheInfamous Board Analyst

    If my calculations are correct, her "base damage" should be about 1700-2100.
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