Payment issue

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by IxixI, Oct 12, 2016.

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  1. IxixI

    IxixI Forum Greenhorn

    Why is that i got offer to purchase 4000 andermant with bonus of 25% and i havent got that bonus? take a look at the screenshot.. [​IMG]
  2. Blakyr

    Blakyr Forum Greenhorn

    Same problem here, waiting for answer....
  3. Mal3ficent

    Mal3ficent Guest

    Aye, it is a same problem because you are using multiple forum accounts :)
    Please read the forum rules, using multiple accounts is not allowed.
    As for your question, that +25% bonus is calculated in the offer's price when buying 4,000 andermant.
    In other words you don't get 25% more andermant, those 25% are included in 4,000 andermant from the offer.

  4. IxixI

    IxixI Forum Greenhorn

    Maybe it is a problem because you are ignorant and dont know what are you talking. Elaborate my use of multiple accounts? That 25% bonus is the bonus from happy hour clearly stated as all payments were getting 25% bonus. It is not calculated in the 4000 offer because when happy hour ended 25% bonus dissapeared too so i can purchase again 4000 and. without bonus. So if you just had a look at the picture and compare it to in game transactions you would conclude the same. Please read something before judging. My post is correct and there is no problem by side in any way nor with transacion nor with forum rules.
  5. I'm assuming he is referencing the fact that lxixl and Blakyr are the same person. It isn't even hard to picture. Even without the forum tools, it is rather obvious. Two brand new accounts with one post each having the same unusual problem within 15 min of each other with no other reports? The much more likely explanation is that you are engaging in what is called "bumping" which is also against the rules, even if done with just one account. I've even done you a favor and banned the second account so that you can keep your posting straight.

    And what Mal3ficent is talking about is the "discounts" that are seen in the payment screen, not the bonuses offered for happy hour. It is a simple misunderstanding because what you were talking about was not clear until this follow up post where you clarified that you were talking about the happy hour sale.

    Now, here is where things get interesting.
    If you read the description above, it says "8500 Andermant or more" and the 4000 andermant package would not qualify.

    What is unusual is that the UI says "+25% Bonus" when it shouldn't. So, what we have here is a graphical bug, not a payment bug.
    Furthermore, I just took this screenshot seconds ago on Agathon during their andermant sale, and you can see that it is not happening for me in either location that andermant is sold.

    The only thing that I can think of is that the 4000 andermant package was on special sale for you (similarly to how the 114000 was on sale for my test account for 50% off), and because it had some coding flag as an andermant package, the UI put the 25% more label on it while they payment system realized that it didn't qualify for the 25% bonus.

    Since your screenshot indicates you've already contacted support, I suggest you wait for them to do their job as there is nothing that we can do to assist you with this here on the forums. Maybe because it was a misleading UI error, they may be willing to credit you the andermant, but that is entirely up to them since the bug can not be replicated.

    I suggest that you are more polite when dealing with support if you want any chance at achieving the result you want and share the insight that I've shared with you. Getting hostile with an admin who calls you out for using two accounts to post on the same thread 15 min apart and then getting more hostile because you poorly described the issue to begin with is not likely to help you achieve anything.

    Welcome to the forums, good luck in getting your ticket resolved, and please review the forum rules and 'net'iquette guide so that you don't land yourself in trouble in the future.
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