Pet Ideas

Discussion in 'Creative Corner' started by rance_1983, Sep 28, 2018.

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  1. rance_1983

    rance_1983 Someday Author

    Cheetah Pet: 20% increase travel speed in pve.

    Dragan Pet: When you block increase your damage, armor and resistance by 1% which will stack up to 10.

    Balor Boss Pet: Reduces all damage types and debuff effects against you by 10%

    Skeleton Dragon/Mortis Pet: Will stop you from dying for 5 seconds after the finale blow once every map. 5% more damage, critical hit rate and critical damage.

    Mortis Body Guard Pet: 5% increase travel speed and 13% critical damage.

    Andermant Jester Pet: Increase your andermant by 10 for every leader monster kill on full difficulty in parallel world.

    Gold Jester Pet: Increase your gold by 5 for every sentinel kill on full difficulty.
    Last edited: Sep 28, 2018
    Hetsunien likes this.
  2. Novadude

    Novadude Commander of the Forum

    That andermant jester pet is not happening....
    Hetsunien likes this.