Post Screenshots of Wisdom Rune Drops Here!

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Jhinstalock, May 30, 2018.

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  1. Jhinstalock

    Jhinstalock Active Author


    Please post your screenshots if you got a drop from the "Sentinels" at the end of each dungeon. I'm curious about the drop rate :)

    --- MERGED ---


    First run lol. I thought it might be guaranteed but my friend didn't get one.
    Last edited by moderator: May 30, 2018
    MademoiselleCaramel likes this.
  2. Erebus

    Erebus User

    Just for the sake of keeping it useful, instead of a generic thread with drop screenshots, we might as well ask for each poster's experience regarding the drop rates, e.g.: [Screenshot(s)] Took me N runs to get this N number of runes!, that ought to prove more appealing and useful for everyone, best regards. ;)
    Mal3ficent likes this.
  3. unchained

    unchained Forum Apprentice

    this rune not working please fix
  4. tsengyk

    tsengyk Forum Apprentice

    After 30 runs, got my 2nd rune of wisdom seeker (However, the rune does not work now )

    Jhinstalock likes this.
  5. iNeXoRaBlE

    iNeXoRaBlE Forum Great Master

    I am the only one that doesn't care about farming those gems?
    how did you reach lvl67 in one day? Have you bought wisdom before the update?
    The rune is working, its just visual bug, try seeing the numbers before you pick up wisdom.
  6. Moot

    Moot Active Author

    Idk about lvl67, but circus is a great place to farm wisdom takes no time to clear on painful, and you get about 100-150 wisdom a run. It's also a decent source of glyphs, draken and gold.
    Jhinstalock likes this.
  7. tsengyk

    tsengyk Forum Apprentice

    57 runs to get 3rd rune ( iNeXoRaBIE say there's a visual bug, but after recording the wisdom point one by one the rune still not working for me :( )
    The Circus is the fast way to get widsom (in my limited knowledge), 40-50 sec a run in painful, 90-170 widsom to get.
    Jhinstalock likes this.
  8. sargon234

    sargon234 Commander of the Forum

    So the runes are rare drops and they aren't even working

    They couldn't have made them even more worthless
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