Feedback Premium Farm

Discussion in 'General Forum' started by YgBpt2, May 4, 2023.

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  1. YgBpt2

    YgBpt2 Forum Greenhorn

    Is it worth to farm Premium with new created low level characters? Ive tried and realised it has a dead end even tho you purchase 600 progress for 4k andermants after you enter some 001-4 map you cant really refund your black pearls and ive hit a wall there... can someone explain a better way if its possible like before of course
  2. ldso

    ldso Advanced

    Hello :) Yes, using alt characters to do the event map quests and get extra premium is something that players often do in the Dragan event ^^ If you can get the hang of each alt char in terms of skills/double-breaking/etc., you can try to finish each map run fully and then open the chests at the end, which give back black pearls as well. Keep in mind that amphoras also drop those things like progress, and also group farming can make things easier as well. Plenty of time in the event duration, so I'm sure you'll have many opportunities to experience adventures with all your characters! :)
    CiscoNetPlus likes this.
  3. YgBpt2

    YgBpt2 Forum Greenhorn

    Yes but when i Clear the map and open the chest at the end i dont get the black pearls back which is weird...ive tried 10 times and 0 drop .... plus is very hard to find a group when youre lvl 25 to farm chests(for each class)...

    FAALHAAS Forum Duke

    You could try find a friend/guildie/stranger who wants the same and you can help eachother with lvl100 char with the other person char for premium farm and after you switch the roles. (and repeat)
    CiscoNetPlus likes this.
  5. CiscoNetPlus

    CiscoNetPlus Old Hand

    Check the Event Guide:

    1) Minimum required character level is 20.

    2) To enable the four dungeons in Castle Ravenclaw you need 1x Empowered Cursed Pearl.

    3) Start at the Corwyn's Thunder statue to unlock the Dragan's Excavation Site map.

    4) Take the mission that gives Janus Fox and enter the map, you complete it. Go off the map and check the chest if it gives you the Premium week. You do it about 4 times.

    5) If he didn't give you the Premium week, enable another statue with a 1x Empowered Cursed Pearl and take the mission at the entrance, then open the chests. Do it like this until you get the premium week.

    Group Chests can be found only when playing in a group with at least two players on the same map.
    Last edited: May 4, 2023
    FAALHAAS likes this.
  6. CaballoLoco

    CaballoLoco Active Author

    Create a character.
    Complete the fast missions to level up.
    Sell all the pets that are giving you and purchase essence with the coins.
    Upon arriving in Kingshill, after a couple of missions in the grotto of the Aquelarre, he enters the catacombs, and you can barely (at level 13 I think) enters painful.
    As soon as you get to level 20 go to the event.
    You enter and take the mission that sends you to inspect the four portals.
    When you deliver the 50 drakens, use them to buy amphora keys.
    The amphorae are giving you advance in the bar, pearls, and hopefully damn pearls. In the worst case you will have to reach the middle of the bar so that you of 2 damn pearls enhanced.
    With these it begins in the statue of Corwyn's Thunder to unlock the map of the Dragan excavation site.
    There they are giving you three consecutive missions, when you deliver them you open the respective chest and the guard gives you some pearls, Draken and Andermantor also wants, which serve you to buy more amphora keys in the character of Momo (or whatever it is called) .
    The chest gives you the premiun, or the Andermant (4,000), or the Draken (1500), and other things.
    If you do not appear in the former, you continue with the next portal, iron forest, and you have the same, until you give you the premiun, or the Ander.
    If you have a lot of bad luck you will have to go to the dreary pastures, and do the same, it is very, very rare that you have to go to the sulfure desert.
    Do not forget to open the chest that appears when you kill 80% of the enemies in the dungeons, they usually give damaged pearls.
    You can do everything in 1 hour and a half-2 hours.

    Destroy that character, create another, and start again. The premiun accumulates, being able to easily reach several months.
    Until you die of boredom .....
    Last edited: May 4, 2023
    CiscoNetPlus likes this.