Presence RING

Discussion in 'General Forum' started by brcserenity, Sep 2, 2024.

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Did you find the first version of these rings useful?

  1. I would use a system similar to the first one.

  2. I will never use it no matter what

    0 vote(s)
  3. They are perfect in thIt was and is a completely useless series.eir first form.

  4. It was and is a completely useless series.

    0 vote(s)
Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. brcserenity

    brcserenity Forum Greenhorn

    Why don't you make sure the presence rings work correctly. This series of rings, which could be useful for many players and have been a labor of love for the software team, is being relegated to the dusty shelves of the game.

    Making this ring series useful again could change the way many players play and give players different options and gameplay plans. there are different solutions to the problems that occur with such items instead of making the item completely useless. Instead of simply waiting after the stack, it can be active for 2 seconds every 5 stacks to use it more effectively and there may be no waiting time, or I am sure you can find many different solutions and fix it for the benefit of the players.
