Primal Spark BOSS Bug

Discussion in 'Technical Support' started by TheTeacher, Sep 29, 2024.

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  1. TheTeacher

    TheTeacher Forum Greenhorn

    HI. I think that i found a bug in the Primal Spark area. The boss drop every item from seeker s set except the gloves. I done many runs me and my friends and no one got the gloves . Please can u check the gloves drop rate this not can"t be normal from 300+ runs no gloves dropped. And i found that i can t evolve the seeker s cape from 130 to 140 using the ring it stays the same level. I want to know whats happening with those things .
  2. dam18

    dam18 Junior Expert

    not a bug i have drop the Gloves in there today.
    TheTeacher likes this.
  3. TheTeacher

    TheTeacher Forum Greenhorn

    which difficullty ?
  4. dam18

    dam18 Junior Expert
