Problem with double quest "Shadow of the Past 6/12"

Discussion in 'Quests' started by Fr0styy, Dec 6, 2020.

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  1. Fr0styy

    Fr0styy Forum Greenhorn

    Hi there,

    I had to play since last year so the game had given me months ago a quest called "Shadow of the pasts" with orange mark which is giving me book for experience and more staffs. Now with this expansion i have the same quest with yellow mark. The 6th quest is same for both in ELLONIDOS and for some reason i completed the one with orange mark and i can t complete the quest which give me the oppurtinity of new maps. In a video i saw that when you click in the 5 epigraphes monsters appear but in me nothing happened. I find the 5 epigraphs but it says me to do something with them without showing me where to click. Sorry for bad english, i m playing the game in my language so i can t translate what the quest is asking. I can t delete the quest so i ll start it again.
