Problem with quest

Discussion in 'Quests' started by AntyKSP, Dec 9, 2019.

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  1. AntyKSP

    AntyKSP Forum Apprentice

    Hello, I have polish version of client so I don't know the exact name of quest. I have to found 4 elements of music notation and craft this on the workbench. I have already found 2 of them, but for other 2 I clear whole map like 10 or more times and nothing droped. I can not found any in cradle of life and in cradle of death. Is there maybe kind of a bug or should I keep trying?
  2. ΣMiwel

    ΣMiwel Forum Ambassador

    Why don't you use the Polish Section then?

    You could have asked in this thread.

    I recall that this quest has always been problematic. It's probably not bugged, just the chance is very low.
  3. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    Michael Jacobson's "Who's Bad"
    Keep trying until they drop
  4. AntyKSP

    AntyKSP Forum Apprentice

    OK. All clear for me. Thank you guys.
  5. Свят)

    Свят) Forum Greenhorn

    The problem with the "Full Moon" campaign.I can't open a passage to the second card with a Blood Mage, because there is no corresponding quest.I have been moving along the quest chain in Varholm for 2 months.Completed everything.And the last one (I don't remember the name) was supposed to appear for the murder of a Blood Magician, but he never appears for six months.I want to finally get to the second map in Varholm. I wrote to support 3 times.The first two were left unanswered, for the 3rd time they wrote that they solve only technical problems, and not problems with passing.I have a feeling that they don't understand what it's about at all.Tell me what to do?
  6. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    You have to finish Visions from the Past which can be activated only at night by clicking on the chest near Vargulf.