Announcement Problems with Frozen Relic 2/2/ and An Underground Relic 4/4– READ HERE!

Discussion in 'Official Announcements' started by teddy.bear, Oct 27, 2015.

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  1. teddy.bear

    teddy.bear Forum Ambassador

    Dear heroes of Dracania,

    As you may know, there are two quests currently bugged with NPC Drake. Please read carefully this section to get to know how you can finish them both.​

    Problem with Frozen Relic 2/2: if you are affected user, you won’t be able to complete this quest. Our Support team can help you with that. Please send a ticket to the team, telling them with which character you are encountering this problem and they will open the quest for you. Easy!​

    Problem with An underground relic 4/4: if you are an affected user it is because you teamed up with another player who has that particular branch of the quest open but not fully completed (meaning, he collected everything he needed to finish the quest but never fully hand it in to Drake). What you need to do is ensure that all the people you team up with for this quest are either in the same point as you or have fully finished this part 4/4 of the quest.

    The bugs have already been communicated to our team and they will be fixed for the next Dragan event.

    We are sorry for the inconveniences that these two may have caused to you guys and we would like to thank you for your patience.
    Kind regards,
    CM Haruki, Greg and the DSO Moderation Team
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