Producer Dialogue |#Botbanning

Discussion in 'Headquarters Archive' started by RickTalrok, Apr 10, 2014.

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  1. lolo222

    lolo222 Someday Author

    All this can be checked ;) Some players came under the hot hand of the hand bans.
    there are innocent players and who tried this one for them this punishment is too strict.
    I think it will be correct if this will give a chance and rabbanit innocent in any case, the data violators they have and, in case of another violation, can issue the final ban.I think that suffered too strict punishment for such small error not farmer with the bot every day unlike other players.
  2. Firefly

    Firefly Active Author

    oh and you just test the bot and accidently leave on for 3-5h and go do something??? are you serious? isn't that using bot? ;) how is that testing if you even don't monitor what bot is doing?? :D
    Rabkoni likes this.
  3. -helium3-

    -helium3- Forum Inhabitant

    I have difficulties to believe when bot-users says that it was just a test, to look how it works for 2-5 hours.

    if they actualy wanted only look how it works, they could test with a new count ! not with their main count.

    they took risk with main count, it's stupid, because they knew the eventual sentences, and they lost now.;)
    almamase likes this.
  4. Adohar

    Adohar Forum Apprentice

    Don't be trolling. They banned both botters and non-botters, hell knows how they picked them. And it is more than 6000 accounts that's for sure - everything looks empty, chat line is next to nothing (sorry, provided that you don't want to play with someone below lvl 40 or some people who speak only some eastern languages you don't understand)
    Yesterday I checked for old lvl 45 players, seemed I've found 5 active for something about 50 I know by name for playing everyday. We had Khalys, Mortis, group Pvp etc. We had our own channel to speak (better than writing in chat box). Everything.
    If it weren't for them, I would stop playing DSO probably before March 2013
    And now what? Should I play with lvl 15 players? Are you insane?
    -Kibela-, lolo222 and mije_drobnjak like this.
  5. mgb67

    mgb67 Forum Apprentice

    I appreciate the ban of bot users! But I know Kibe now quite a while, we played very often together and she is growing as slowly as I am. We worked both hard for our accounts. We are both much older than the most here, simple users. We do not know how to get or use a bot! Therefore I can't imagine she used a bot. So please check her account again and give her an answer, what particularly you led to the decision to ban her. Please...
    -Kibela- likes this.
  6. Rabkoni

    Rabkoni Forum Greenhorn

    A question for all bot users: You bought the bot only for testing it only for a couple hours...?? yeah, you don't say XD
    -helium3- likes this.
  7. lolo222

    lolo222 Someday Author

    Where I said that I was don't watching him?After the test and check what it does I closed the game and went about their business and closet cliet char after this don't farm with bot.
    - the bot is not able to communicate with people in chat (I often keep in touch with friends,chat geme)
    - bot kills all mobs which sees ( i'm many times farm 6.2only khights that the bot can't and farm don't one and with team friend)
    - the bot does not use ranger Deadly throw ( i'm farm 99% time and all time use Deadly throw).
    - the bot goes the same ways (I don't go by the same ways and depending on the situation in the battle changed tactics and behavior of the player that does not know how the bot)
    These arguments enough? in any case, all this can test programmers Dso.
  8. Firefly

    Firefly Active Author

    This have hit many bot users so hard that they actually got punishment...
    but remember theres 5999 other innocent that have been banned and they all want their account checked too and they all have great stories too :) some even sounds like they are in somekind position where they can negotiate... like bankrobbers saying to police that rewind to time when i was still standing outside bank planing to rob it :D
  9. Mysteryb0y

    Mysteryb0y Forum Apprentice

  10. mije_drobnjak

    mije_drobnjak Forum Apprentice

    To make clear in this game. Players who use bot have all gems on max, no chance to make gems playing this game to max. They very well to know who use bot who didn't. I will tell you something i will great to hear that they make programs for bot to ban boters. If i banned i will say thats a good to work on that. But player like firefly is loser, who make some posts to make funny with players who banned without resons. That's insane for big points. Afther this metod this game never been same like before, because i know about 20 players who stoped to play this game, because all of this. Big point, i will tell you something, great work, you continuo to ruined your game, hahah losers.You will see very soon what you make mistake. Will see.
  11. mije_drobnjak

    mije_drobnjak Forum Apprentice

    You know all of that. aou are very smart losers, haha my caracter on lvl 20 stronger than yours on lvl 50. Do you know to play this game, you will make strong character, haha but you haven't brain for that. hahahah this guy know all in this game. hahah shame you.
  12. GamesShortCut

    GamesShortCut Exceptional Talent

    So much pain in the ass. You stupid bot users got on my nerve during the arena already. Now after you guys finally got your punish to be cooky and act against the rules. Do us a favor and stop explaining yourself.

    There is a reason why you got banned. There will be no mercy for you.
    Amaar, almamase, Rabkoni and 2 others like this.
  13. yellowfrog.

    yellowfrog. Board Analyst

    ''Yes, but only if the Queen of England enters our office riding on a rainbow unicorn

    and starts twerking together with Miley Cyrus. Then we might consider lifting the ban''

    this is the answer when the ban will be lifted.its official not mine.
    Hannah, Andromeda, moby31 and 3 others like this.
  14. lolo222

    lolo222 Someday Author

    I don't see even half of suspended players.because too many who have used it have no chances for pardon.They too many have used a bot and greatly boosted characters in a short character can check on the use of bot,they can test 1 mounth,2-5-10 month back and nothing none bot.i'm up my char 21 month without something program .When you make a strong character spend your strength and put the soul and and because of minor errors you will be accused of the bot and will be punished as if you all this time not fair farm and up character you understand about i'm say.

    My post I call for a more equitable solution for such players as I.who has not used the bot every day and did not sit online 24/7 and for those who just recently (in the last days/weeks maybe last month who little stand bot) already broke and moved to the side not fair players.Know,when you spend a lot of time on the game or pay inomants,
    you want to get the result from those actions that you do.You want easy for you to play because make this effort (honest ways farm/Donate) but when entering into the arena see that someone too quickly rose for the same time because all time online farm is not nice to look at,and some are beginning to go to these things, or to leave because of the game.I post I want to call for a more honest punishment for such players I think for 1-2-5-10k andermanst char don't becomes IMBA and kill all player.These little andremats (sorry idk how right eng on russian inomants), can write off from the account this andermants as punishment,in two more and banned char 1-2-4 week.I do not think that after such players will be associated with bot.For those pennies very cruel punishment.I don't say what need unbans 6k player,there are people who abuse bot (many times game) they should be punished because they ruin the company.

    see example one man stole a million, other loaf of bread both of them caught and judged equally,you think that is fair? think about this.
    and the game is the same, one guy game bot 1 year other guy game 1 day,why they are judged in the same way?why human uses bot 1 year and it punished the same way as a person who game 1-2 day/week or couple hour?I think that people like the second variant deserve a chance to correct his mistake,not immediately to lose what they have been seeking for years.

    I very much hope what RickTailor, will understand these players and will not be so strictly to punish us.

    Goodluck ;)

  15. -Kibela-

    -Kibela- Forum Apprentice

    thanks for your suport :).. but I dont think they take the time for that :(.. it was great to play with you and all the other guild members.. but to begin from the start for no reason - no chance..
  16. Firefly

    Firefly Active Author can you be stronger when you cannot enter the game :D

    you knew that ban is an option when u use it... it's not our fault that you are so stupid to try this with your main account. this way or that way no one will believe your story. go take some fresh air, enjoy yourself and get over it. this is leading to nowhere :rolleyes:
  17. ConcernedLawyer

    ConcernedLawyer Forum Greenhorn


    You're violating the Terms of Agreement on your own, Bigpoint. Repeated infringements never happened, I would understand if you have banned everyone which received already -multiple- warnings and was banned/warned -multiple- times, but banning people which weren't warned more than once despite using the bot is not a reason to suspend their accounts permanently.

    It is prohibited to use any kind of softwares which are not officially approved by bigpoint, where exactly does it say that the punishment for violating that rule is a permanent ban from the game?

    Sincerely yours,

  18. Mahdi1984

    Mahdi1984 Forum Apprentice

    Is in section 8.3.2 Banning is imediate if BP deems that the contract cannot be held resonable; cases for this include the usage of scripts and bots, as defined in section 1.2
    Last edited: Apr 11, 2014
  19. ConcernedLawyer

    ConcernedLawyer Forum Greenhorn

    Hello @Mahdi1984
    A warning is not required in case of a severe offense, where exactly does it say that using a third party program to boost yourself in any way is considered as severe offence?


    -BigMistake- likes this.
  20. Mahdi1984

    Mahdi1984 Forum Apprentice

    Hi. Read the complet section 8.3.2 or:
    "Bigpoint has the right to terminate the contractual agreement especially for, but not limited to, the following reasons:
    • The User knowingly violates any law or the rules of the Games and Services, and does not discontinue his/her actions despite having received a warning. A warning is not required in case of a severe offense where it would be unreasonable to expect Bigpoint to remain bound by the contract.
    • ...
    Cases in which it would be unreasonable to expect Bigpoint to remain bound by the contract generally include the following:

    • The User violates criminal law.
    • The User violates the prohibition of multi-accounts which may be stipulated in the respective Game’s rules (see Sec. 1.2 above).
    • The User violates the prohibition of pushing (see Sec. 1.2 above).
    • The User violates the prohibition of non-authorized scripts (see Sec. 1.2 above).
    • The User violates the prohibition of exploiting programming errors (bugs) (see sec. 1.2)
    • The User deliberately provides false information upon registration 2, User application form) or while completing payment of Premium Features (see Sec. 7.1).
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