Producer Dialogue |#Botbanning

Discussion in 'Headquarters Archive' started by RickTalrok, Apr 10, 2014.

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  1. Fabiman

    Fabiman Forum General

    If you really banned all bots... good job ;)
  2. mesi25

    mesi25 Someday Author

    i have only one question to do why you choose mr rick the permanent blockade from the temporary?
  3. tagedieb

    tagedieb Advanced

    Good job indeed.
    However, disappointment arises, as it becomes clear that you only banned the botusers who didn't pay for your game. EVERY ONE of the botusers visible in An0s videos is still not banned; like the popular field marshal who changed his name shortly after the videos upload.
    So I guess as a bot user, you are safe, as long as you buy andermant every once in a while.
    almamase likes this.
  4. Callisto

    Callisto Forum Pro

    I can say right now with 110% certainty that this is false.
  5. mesi25

    mesi25 Someday Author

    no my friend you have wrong
    no my friend you have wrong i have used bot only and i say only for 10-20 minutes and i have eat permanent blockade and also for the money in 3weaks i have paid 400 hudred euros and today before the release i was going to put 50 euros now they going to take ......
  6. Anacletus

    Anacletus Forum Greenhorn

    Hi! Great job! :) Finally! :)
    But...How about people that used it only for one time? Only one time ( a few hours for example) to try... and then they CHOOSE to play fair. That it's unfair in my opinion. I think they deserve a check. Can after only one time anyone be called "bot USER"??? Play fair it's the main point of any game. But this why u are punishing innocent people too. If u had put a filter to discrime... U banned innocent people!!! Do a check please...
  7. kopi00

    kopi00 Forum Apprentice

    what needs to be done in order for users who are now excluded to get another chance like the others who were not expelled from now?
  8. tagedieb

    tagedieb Advanced

    nvm then, it simply appeared highly suspicious that these bots who gained the most "reputation" through the videos are the ones escaping the first, huge banwave.
    I hope they will be dealt with in future updates.
    Myrdoschin likes this.
  9. DarkHeart

    DarkHeart Forum Apprentice

    Yeees, day of judgement is here. :D:D:D:D:D
  10. Fabiman

    Fabiman Forum General

    ahahahaha Orges & Pumetto are offline xD
    Gummiball and Veritas like this.
  11. deathacceptor

    deathacceptor Someday Author

    Good Job Team Drakensang (Y)
    almamase likes this.
  12. Veritas

    Veritas Forum Mogul

    corruptions by more admins on bp more players are de ban is not cool.....
    Nesajem likes this.
  13. Joodrak

    Joodrak Forum Apprentice

    REALLY not cool alot of banned players didnt even cheat :mad:
  14. RickTalrok

    RickTalrok Dev Team Team Drakensang Online

    Yes, of course it is against the game's terms and conditions to use any bot or hack script, regardless of whether or not it is the trial version or not.

  15. RickTalrok

    RickTalrok Dev Team Team Drakensang Online

    We can prove that they did.

  16. RickTalrok

    RickTalrok Dev Team Team Drakensang Online

    Administrators are not involved with the banning of bot users.

  17. RickTalrok

    RickTalrok Dev Team Team Drakensang Online

    It doesn't matter how much you cheated, cheating is against the rules. No exceptions. Consider playing fair next time.

  18. Карамболь

    Карамболь Forum Apprentice

    Received ban an hour after purchase premium package!Now how do I return the money???
    _G_R_A_M_P_S_ likes this.
  19. RickTalrok

    RickTalrok Dev Team Team Drakensang Online

    You can definitely expect some new events to arrive soon.

  20. GamesShortCut

    GamesShortCut Exceptional Talent

    Great Job RickTalrok *__*
    That´s the right way to go.
    -HARRA81- and almamase like this.
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