Suggestion Purchase uniques for Matari Frags

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by BigPapa, Jan 17, 2016.

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  1. BigPapa

    BigPapa Forum Overlooker

    The continual complaints about drop rate of unique items finaly has a possible resolution. Most people that work hard killing a boss to get a drop are continually frustrated by the game's PRNG that makes them continually expend resources for no reward. Many have suggested a way of gauranteeing a drop after a specific number of kills, or that Gnob offer the items for sell to complete sets. A better solution is possible.

    SUGGEST the PW Boss unique items be purchasable in exchange for Matari Frags. These items should be high cost to represent their rarity, but available to reward a sustained continued amount of effort over a long period of time. If luck is with you and you get the drop naturally good for you and congratulations. For the rest of us that seem to continually fight the drop gods and be frustrated by endless kills without reward, this suggestion is for us. Those who have killed Khally or Mortis 1000's of times to obtain a specific unique without success understand why this suggestion would be valuable.
    pennanen, EhtovK, Bubble and 8 others like this.
  2. MANOJ

    MANOJ Forum Pro

    Let this be an exclusive end game feature.
    It would turn out to be easiest way for twinks to farm these uniques every 5 levels they go up in a year.
  3. _Baragain_

    _Baragain_ Living Forum Legend

    Yep... over 100 kills of Heredur III (I do between 5 and 10 runs a night) and nothing. I was burring so much blue ess just to get there; now I take on the first two maps with greens or no ess just for a challenge and to see if I can. Once you learn the patterns, it is actually rather easy and I spend about 300-400 blues each run to take on the miller and the bloody arrow. I would love to be able to buy the Tier 3 items for 75k-100k given the rate of bad luck that I've been having.
    Bubble, BigPapa and Darwarren like this.
  4. BigPapa

    BigPapa Forum Overlooker

    I would actually hope the cost is even higher than that. With the right gearset and know-how farming 8k-9k frags an hour is possible and its how i got all the Untouchable pieces during the first few weeks of the New PW's. I don't want to water down the integrity of the unique system by handing them to anyone with a set of speedboots. But instead to reward those like yourself that actually earn it through sustained attempts.
    MANOJ likes this.
  5. _Baragain_

    _Baragain_ Living Forum Legend

    I remember once upon a time that we had suggested a boss currency. Get one each time you kill a specific boss and then use those to eventually buy uniques... maybe they need to increase the drop rate for fragments from the fatal bosses.

    Another idea would be have a counter that tracks your total boss kills (like the ones we have in the achievements window) and once you hit X, it would unlock the ability to buy these items. Do 100 kills and you can buy the Tier 1 items, 400 kills, you can buy the Tier 2 items, 1000 kills, you can buy the Tier 3 items. The prices for the higher tier items could be discounted to encourage continued kills over just hitting the 100 and then farming frags, but you get the idea.
    Darwarren, Minota and BigPapa like this.
  6. BigPapa

    BigPapa Forum Overlooker

    I remember discussing the boss counter. What was missing from it was a mechanic that was an acceptable way of actually rewarding the item once you hit X kills. Combing that with a merchant purchase as suggested here would be a great way to curb those folks with a penchant for exploits.

    The X number of kills could be the probability in the item dropping in the first place so it would eliminate the PRNG as a limiter, but allow it if luck sides with you.
  7. sebastian_fl

    sebastian_fl Count Count

    Sorry to disturb your conversation, but how/where to farm 8k-9k frags an hour? :) assuming everything is open and I can solo walk through any map at fatal.

    @Baragain I have all 4 Heredur's uniques of highest tier, would give it to you if that was possible)

    They drop, patience. Lots of my mates already got a set. Some even got all 3 sets from q1-q3.

    And yeah, I don't mind buying uniques for frags, if they increase a stack size) teddy weapon might be easier to but than farm)
  8. BigPapa

    BigPapa Forum Overlooker

    Disturbance welcomed :p I am reluctant to share it to be honest but I've always tried to be helpful with this kind of stuff. Also, I know not many can actually do it cause they are missing some element for success and they give up after a few attempts, so -> Grimm1, glasses, universal map, speed/hp/dmg sufficient for red podium only fisure kills. 30 seconds once activated, 5 fisures that spawn in zones(need to learn where they spawn), 46-50 frags per fisure with the addtional 10% buff from sparkly podium. Check the podium, reset if not red while trying not to be dismounted. If red sprint/jump/dance trough mobs and get to and kill the fisures within 30 seconds. Total will depend on number of red podiums and how fast you can reset and get back if not red. I treat it like its a video game with every aspect of my gear and movement meant to reduce travel and reset time.
    _Baragain_ and sebastian_fl like this.
  9. _Baragain_

    _Baragain_ Living Forum Legend

    Can also be done in Q3III, but the mobs are a little more dense and the portals not always so predictably placed. I just find the podium easier to access without getting dismounted.
  10. BigPapa

    BigPapa Forum Overlooker

    I didnt like that map mainly because the podium is so far from the entrance. It is also a very open and larger map hard to cover consitantly in the 30 seconds. Also why i eliniated the other ones except the Khaly map1. It is very linear which is good, just hard to get to the podium without being dismounted because of the 2 elites and escorts that are always between the entrance and the podium.
    _Baragain_ likes this.
  11. Rhysingstar

    Rhysingstar Forum Ambassador

    Now that the cat is out of the bag, it may cause them to take it away from us.

    I do like the idea of being able to buy some of the uniques if the price is high enough, although I am truly intrigued by getting them using the boss counter idea.
    BigPapa likes this.
  12. _Baragain_

    _Baragain_ Living Forum Legend

    I'd say combine them, don't just give them to someone once they hit the magic number; rather don't make them available to buy until you unlock them by hitting a certain count. That way noobs who have never even fought a boss can't buy their uniques by farming using the above method.
    BigPapa likes this.
  13. Rhysingstar

    Rhysingstar Forum Ambassador

    I like that.
    Something like 100 kills + 10,000 frags, 500 kills + 50,000 frags, 1000 kills + 100,000 frags.

    Sadly I believe that they would find a way to ruin it. The 999 Sargon kills immediately comes to mind.
  14. _Baragain_

    _Baragain_ Living Forum Legend

    lol, still sitting at 540/999 for that... it would be cool if they brought Sargon to the defeat the undefeatables event.
  15. alonedz

    alonedz Forum Apprentice

    please make deap sea set to purshase i m having a hard work to get set and still 0/5 :/ i got most og this game sets and still deap sea can't get it
  16. BigPapa

    BigPapa Forum Overlooker

    This is proof that they just grab these numbers out of thin air or a dart board. Similar to 10,000 realm frags for achiev. No concept of the actual amount of work required to hit that number. Makes one wonder if the values for the PRNG are just as careless. At any rate, hopefully if they like the idea in some form, they would come up with valid numbers that are reachable while maintining integrity within the concept.
  17. sebastian_fl

    sebastian_fl Count Count

    Ah, PRNG #s are surely taken out of air) like let's make it 1%. Instead of thinking what does 1% mean, and how many chars will not get that item in 200 runs)

    As for the concept, I think it has a lot of ground. We do already have similar concept in the game - getting stuff for drakens. It used to be all events stuff, so even when ppl failed to get an item during event, they have an option to work towards that item through other events routine. Why not to do the same for the PW routine.
    Troneck86 and BigPapa like this.
  18. BigPapa

    BigPapa Forum Overlooker

    So the basic modified concept which I really like is 2 steps.
    1. Obtain enough currency(matari frags) to purchase an item(PW boss unique)
    2. Qualify to purchase the item through number of kills.

    Step 2 needs some further clarification. Should the qualifier be only number based or difficulty and number based. For example if you only kill in painful difficulty mode should you be allowed to purchase T1 items, whereas if you kill in Fatal enough times you could purchase the T3 item. Should T2 and T3 items even be offered? I would think the Tier that can be purchased would match the kill level, but maybe the repitition of purchasing enough T1 items to craft higher tiers is in itself a hurdle that would produce a filter on exploitation.

    BTW thanks for the intelligent conversation. It seems rare recently. A whole thread and so far not one mention of someone being OP:p
    sebastian_fl likes this.
  19. sebastian_fl

    sebastian_fl Count Count

    There are multiple ways this one can get into that OP discussion, like which class has the easier farming road) but you are right.

    But I still think we can have a very reasonable conversation about those hateful subjects if one starts a topic with some ground rules set, and also Mods overseeing it and being more or less open minded, like not removing the whole topics but shaping the way the conversation goes. There are many aspects in every debate, and I'm sure all partist can come to a reasonable conclusion in a number of aspects, especially when we talk and PVE experience, like in this topic. Noone is interested in individual players or classes being bored, or unlucky to get a unique, or punished for some other benefits.

    Guess you might be the very person to start such a conversation ;) you see how you shaped it in this case, guess it isn't a coincidence.

    So as for this topic. One mistake we are making is the very same mistake BP is making by taking requirements from the air.

    Guess we can star thinking of requirements like the following:
    1. Who deserves an item
    2. What should one do to deserve an item
    3. What level of item one deserves
    4. Any possibility to abuse the idea
    5. The impact of luck

    Once we set all those ground principles, the solution would be more obvious, and perhaps much more precise.
  20. _Baragain_

    _Baragain_ Living Forum Legend

    Doesn't matter what BP picks for a value that corresponds to the useful drops if the PRNG's very random. Unless you are talking about good seed choices. The truth is that choice of algorithm is infinitely more important than any other factor.

    I actually enjoy (does this make me a nerd?) seeing ouput graphs from PRNGs.
    Such as...

    You can see the "Pseudo" part rather easily.

    That is one of my favorites, but here is another that is more of a side by side view...

    The most like explanation for the crap drop rates, followed by crazy bits of good luck, is BP using a crappy PRNG like this that produces obvious patterns.
    sebastian_fl likes this.
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