Pushing/Boosting in Dragan event

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Fugnuts, Jun 25, 2017.

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  1. Fugnuts

    Fugnuts Forum Master

    Hmm..dunno how to reply to this.I'd like to discuss with one of the admins via PM and show them the reply that i got.Hopefully thats allowed. He can then let everyone know exactly which and what.

    Until then can some admin close this thread and contact me via PM? Thanks in advance.

    LE: @trakilaki - dunno if u realise that but it makes no sense what u said earlier.So if i have 2 accounts, a good and a bad one, im not allowed to help my bad one with my good one..but i can help a random player and gear him up, farm him uniques, hundreds of millions of glyphs? Isnt this the same thing? Either way, one of us will be gaining "unfair advantage in the game through the other account".Anyways..nvm.
    Last edited: Jun 27, 2017
  2. @Fugnuts The reply you were given in your ticket to Support is BP's blanket definition of "pushing". It does not strictly or specifically apply to DSO. The replies that Trakilaki has given you in this thread are correct.

    There are several interrelated topics here:
    1) Dual-logging. This is where one person is logged into 2+ a/cs interacting at once. This is strictly prohibited and, if sufficient evidence of such is received, may result in both a/cs being permanently banned.
    2) PvP pushing. This is where one player/groups of players continuously and deliberately lose PvP matches to another player/group of players. Again, if proven, this could have permanent implications for all involved.
    note: this is about deliberately boosting another player's/players PvP Fame, it is not about "Let's just get this over and done with" DQ PvP participation.
    3) PvE "gapping". While it is perfectly acceptable for a larger player to assist a smaller player through a tough quest or assist them vs a tough boss, they are strongly discouraged from continuously "gapping" a smaller player/players with the intent of letting the smaller player(s) gain loot without gaining XP. Note: this is "discouraged" in DSO and it goes against the ethos of "fair play" if said low-level characters are being used to dominate in PvP, but it is not strictly forbidden.
    4) The clause quoted is not completely applicable to DSO as resources (with the exception of andermant between characters on a single a/c) cannot be transferred between characters and/or a/cs.
    trakilaki and Kohn_Hamper like this.
  3. Dragonnns

    Dragonnns Count Count

    Whew! I was a bit concerned that I would have to actually fight someone. It is so much faster to just take off your armor/weapon and die than to actually battle them. :D

    Thanks for the clarification.
    trakilaki and _Baragain_ like this.
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