Event FAQ Pustynia Esencji - Oficjalny Przewodnik

Discussion in 'Sekcja Polska' started by VenusIT, Sep 21, 2020.

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  1. VenusIT

    VenusIT Commander of the Forum

    Desert of Essences

    ~Event Guide~


    Quick Overview

    Required level:35-55
    Duration:29th of September 12:00 CEST –
    1st of October 23:59 CEST

    Event summary:
    Thabo found a wondrous place in Qaizah. Mysterious and deadly. Are you willing to unveil its secrets?

    Magical Mysterious Essences!
    Go to Thabo in any city and take the quest “A Wondrous Place”. Travel to the Desert of the Lost with the help of Thabo’s realm magic. Withstand the sandstorms while collecting Crystal Dew to activate the archways. Defeat the essence creatures in Kia Krisal to obtain elemental spheres.


    The progress bar
    The system is differentiating between players and providing them with individual progress bars:

    Level range/RequirementProgress bar tierProgress needed for 100%Amount of Carmot
    Level: 35-44112501x 750x Amount of Carmot; 300 Draken, 2x Essence Chest
    Level: 45-54215001000x Amount of Carmot; 300 Draken, 3x Essence Chest
    Level: 55317501250x Amount of Carmot; 300 Draken, 4x Essence Chest
    Level: 55 + Hero of the Demigods achievement unlocked
    (Collect 5000 Achievement points)
    430001500x Amount of Carmot; 300 Draken, 5x Essence Chest
    Level: 55 + Experienced Warrior achievement unlocked
    (Collect 7000 Achievement points)
    540002000x Amount of Carmot; 300 Draken, 6x Essence Chest

    The Desert of the Lost:
    This place was once a prosperous little garden in Kinza. Nowadays it is famous as a desert of the lost. Many who dare to explore this place disappear in seconds and never come back, due to the arising strong sandstorms.

    When entering the map, Abbas, the Quest Keeper, will greet you and provide you with the “Treasures Ahead” quest, leading you to explore all Kia Krisal maps.
    In this map you can drop Crystal Dew needed for interacting with the archways, the portals for entering the Kia Krisal maps.

    When you clear all monsters the map, the sandstorm will start, along with its debuffs. After each wave, an Uncovered Chest will appear, containing Crystal Dew and Essence Water, the event progress item. After all six monster waves have been cleared, a map sentinel will appear, dropping Keys of Prowess and other items. Defeating him will unlock certain part of the “Withstand the Desert” achievement, because the sentinel can be Dor, Nour, Zhubin or Fhari.



    The Sandstorm
    Sandstorms often arise in the Desert of the Lost – only the strongest and bravest Heroes will survive them all. Defeat all opponents in the Desert of the Lost and prove how long you can last. With each defeated wave, it becomes stronger and stronger!

    The Archways:
    These are the travel stones in Desert of the Lost, leading to the specific Kia Krisal map. Each elemental one of them requires 80x Crystal Dew to interact with, except the Black Archway, it requires 68x Crystal Dew and can open a portal to a random elemental map, including the Purple one.


    Location of each archway in Desert of the lost:

    Sentinel loot:
    The Sentinel that spawns after with the final sandstorm will drop a scaling amount of Crystal Dew and Essence Water:

    DifficultyCrystal DewEssence Water
    Infernal I2014
    Infernal II2416
    Infernal III2818
    Infernal IV3220
    Infernal V4024
    Infernal VI4828
    Infernal VII5632

    Uncovered Chest


    The uncovered chests contain guaranteed Crystal Dew and Essence Water drops. They can be found after every “sandstorm-monster-wave”

    DifficultyCrystal DewEssence Water
    Infernal I107
    Infernal II128
    Infernal III149
    Infernal IV1610
    Infernal V2012
    Infernal VI2414
    Infernal VII2816

    The Kia Krisal Maps:
    Kia Krisal was Kinza’s main source for crystals of all forms and colors. Most crystals are or were part of the essence creatures that live here and therefore are none too happy if greedy adventurers enter their realm and take more than they can carry. Beware the guardian if your avarice overwhelms you!

    In this map you can drop Essence Water from the monsters for completing the event progress bar and Crystal Dew from the amphorae to be able to interact with the archways in Desert of the Lost.

    Amphorae location in the Kia Krisal maps:


    Each map drops specific items, bound to its color. Each map also drops a part from the Black Essence set (more info down below).

    A new addition to the Kia Krisal maps are the final map bosses, the Animated Armor ones, they must be defeated in a 2 minutes time, otherwise they will disappear. Be careful when facing these opponents, they are tougher than they seem! They drop Elemental Spheres, Draken Cores, Essence Water, the event progress item and other useful rewards.

    Kia Krisal (White)
    • Can be accessed from the White or Black Archway in Desert of the Lost, or via ports from the Shop or traders
    • White essence set skins can be found
    • White and Black Essence Vortex can be found
    • Average amount of progress is being dropped
    • No Elemental spheres can be found here from the final map boss.

    Kia Krisal (Green)
    • Can be accessed from the Green or Black Archway in Desert of the Lost, or via ports from the Shop or traders
    • Green essence set skins can be found
    • Black Essence Gloves can be found
    • Green and Black Essence Vortex can be found
    • Slightly above average amount of progress is being dropped
    • Poison Spheres can be found here from the final map boss.

    Kia Krisal (Yellow)
    • Can be accessed from the Yellow or Black Archway in Desert of the Lost, or via ports from the Shop or traders
    • Yellow essence set skins can be found
    • Black Essence Boots can be found
    • Yellow and Black Essence Vortex can be found
    • Slightly above average amount of progress is being dropped
    • Lightning Spheres can be found here from the final map boss.

    Kia Krisal (Blue)
    • Can be accessed from the Blue Archway or Black in Desert of the Lost, or via ports from the Shop or traders
    • Blue essence set skins can be found
    • Black Essence Armor can be found
    • Blue and Black Essence Vortex can be found
    • Slightly above average amount of progress is being dropped
    • Ice Spheres can be found here from the final map boss.

    Kia Krisal (Red)
    • Can be accessed from the Red Archway or Black in Desert of the Lost
    • Red essence set skins can be found
    • Black Essence Pauldrons can be found
    • Red and Black Essence Vortex can be found
    • Slightly above average amount of progress is being dropped
    • Fire Spheres can be found here from the final map boss.

    Kia Krisal (Purple)
    • Can be accessed only from the Black Archway in Desert of the Lost (if you are lucky enough for the portal to be for the Purple map)
    • Purple essence set skins can be found
    • Black Essence Helmet can be found
    • Purple and Black Essence Vortex can be found
    • Slightly above average amount of progress is being dropped
    • Andermagic Spheres can be found here from the final map boss.
  2. VenusIT

    VenusIT Commander of the Forum

    Map Bosses:

    Depending on which version of Kia Krisal you entered, you will face a different Boss.
    Amongst other loot, they will drop Essence Water, Draken Cores and the individual Elemental Spheres, needed to craft elemental Essences.


    Animated Armor

    “Steam Ranger”

    No particular strong resistances

    Drops lowest amount of progress. Drops no elemental spheres

    Electrified Animated Armor

    Steam Mechanicus

    Strong lightning resistance

    Drops average amount of progress. Drops lightning spheres

    Poisonous Animated Armor


    Strong poison resistance

    Drops average amount of progress. Drops lightning spheres

    Icy Animated Armor


    Strong ice resistance

    Drops average amount of progress. Drops ice spheres

    Fiery Animated Armor

    Dragon Knight

    Strong fire resistance

    Drops average amount of progress. Drops fire spheres

    Obscure Animated Armor


    Strong general resistances
    Drops high amount of progress. Drops Andermight spheres

    Event Offers

    Shady Jon Offers:

    Simple Physic of Resilience (Fire) (in the following order: Common, Improved, Magic)[​IMG]549, [​IMG]819, [​IMG]1099
    Simple Physic of Resilience (Ice) (in the following order: Common, Improved, Magic)[​IMG]549, [​IMG]819, [​IMG]1099
    Simple Physic of Resilience (Poison) (in the following order: Common, Improved, Magic)[​IMG]549, [​IMG]819, [​IMG]1099
    Simple Physic of Resilience (Lightning) (in the following order: Common, Improved, Magic)[​IMG]549, [​IMG]819, [​IMG]1099
    Simple Physic of Resilience (Andermagic) (in the following order: Common, Improved, Magic)[​IMG]549, [​IMG]819, [​IMG]1099

    Thabo Offers:

    Realm Path to the Desert of the Lost (in the following order: 1x, 5x, 10x)[​IMG]499, [​IMG]2490, [​IMG]4970
    [​IMG]10, [​IMG]49, [​IMG]97
    Realm Path to Kia Krisal (White)[​IMG]1299
    Realm Path to Kia Krisal (Green)[​IMG]1499
    Realm Path to Kia Krisal (Yellow)[​IMG]1499
    Realm Path to Kia Krisal (Blue)[​IMG]1499
    Realm Path to Kia Krisal (Red)[​IMG]1499

    Shop Offers:

    Essence Water (in the following order: 1x, 10x, 50x, 100x)[​IMG]24, [​IMG]240, [​IMG]1175, [​IMG]2300
    Realm Path to the Desert of the Lost (in the following order: 1x, 5x, 10x)[​IMG]499, [​IMG]2490, [​IMG]4970
  3. VenusIT

    VenusIT Commander of the Forum

    Event Items

    Crystal Dew
    Crystal Dew can be found by defeating worthy opponents and amphorae in the Desert of the Lost and from the amphorae in the Kia Krisal maps. Use it to interact with the archways in Desert of the Lost to enter the Kia Krisal maps.

    Essence Water
    Essence Water can be found by defeating worthy opponents in Kia Krisal. Collect it to fill the Progress bar.

    Carmot is a reward from the progress bar. It can be used to upgrade Essences of Vigor to the next higher type. 1000x Essences of Vigor are needed per upgrading step, as well as either 10x,20x,30x or 40x Carmot, depending on the type of Essence of Vigor you want to upgrade.

    Essence Chest
    The Essence Chest is a reward from the progress bar. Open it to receive random essences (except the uncommon Essence of Vigor, non-elemental one), including Elemental Essences.

    Elemental Spheres
    The Elemental Spheres can only be found from the final boss in Kia Krisal. You need 10x elemental spheres and 1000x Essence of Vigor of any type to create its elemental variant.

    Elemental Essences
    Elemental Essences deal a percentage of your skill’s base damage as additional elemental (poison, lightning, ice, fire or andermagic) damage.

    [​IMG][​IMG][​IMG][​IMG]Deals 25% of your skill's base damage as additional poison/lightning/ice/fire damage
    [​IMG][​IMG][​IMG][​IMG]Deals 50% of your skill's base damage as additional poison/lightning/ice/fire damage
    [​IMG][​IMG][​IMG][​IMG]Deals 100% of your skill's base damage as additional poison/lightning/ice/fire damage
    [​IMG][​IMG][​IMG][​IMG]Deals 200% of your skill's base damage as additional poison/lightning/ice/fire damage
    [​IMG][​IMG][​IMG][​IMG]Deals 300% of your skill's base damage as additional poison/lightning/ice/fire damage

    [​IMG]Deals 50% of your skill's base damage as additional andermagic damage. In exchange, 5% of your skill's base damage as additional andermagic damage will be applied to yourself or your minion (skill dependent).
    [​IMG]Deals 100% of your skill's base damage as additional andermagic damage. In exchange, 10% of your skill's base damage as additional andermagic damage will be applied to yourself or your minion (skill dependent).
    [​IMG]Deals 200% of your skill's base damage as additional andermagic damage. In exchange, 20% of your skill's base damage as additional andermagic damage will be applied to yourself or your minion (skill dependent).
    [​IMG]Deals 300% of your skill's base damage as additional andermagic damage. In exchange, 30% of your skill's base damage as additional andermagic damage will be applied to yourself or your minion (skill dependent).
    [​IMG]Deals 400% of your skill's base damage as additional andermagic damage. In exchange, 40% of your skill's base damage as additional andermagic damage will be applied to yourself or your minion (skill dependent).
  4. VenusIT

    VenusIT Commander of the Forum

    Black Essence Armament Set

    The new set consists of five parts. Every individual part can be found in one of the variations of Kia Krisal (except for the white map).

    [​IMG]Black Essence Helmet
    [Values for item tier: 0]
    Base Values (PvE) / Active Values (PvP)
    + 23-31 Damage
    + (460-620)-(506-682)-(598-806) Health Points
    [Depending on class]
    + 552-744 Armor Value

    13.8-18.4% increased damage
    13.8-18.4% more Health Points

    Bonus for pieces of equipment belonging to the same set:
    (2): + 20.00% all resistance values
    (3): Essence consumption of skills is reduced by 1.
    Essence costs will never be reduced below 1.
    (4): + 20.00% more Resource
    (5): 15.00% chance that a skill doesn’t consume any Essences
    [​IMG]Black Essence Pauldrons
    [Values for item tier: 0]
    Base Values (PvE) / Active Values (PvP)
    + 23-31 Damage
    + (345-465)-(380-512)-(448-605) Health Points
    [Depending on class]
    + 736-992 Armor Value

    18.4-24.6% Armor value
    18.4-24.6% all resistance values

    Bonus for pieces of equipment belonging to the same set:
    (2): + 20.00% all resistance values
    (3): Essence consumption of skills is reduced by 1.
    Essence costs will never be reduced below 1.
    (4): + 20.00% more Resource
    (5): 15.00% chance that a skill doesn’t consume any Essences
    [​IMG]Black Essence Armor
    [Values for item tier: 0]
    Base Values (PvE) / Active Values (PvP)
    + 23-31 Damage
    + (345-465)-(380-512)-(448-605) Health Points
    [Depending on class]
    + 736-992 Armor Value

    13.8-18.4% increased damage
    82.9-110.5% higher armor value on this item

    Bonus for pieces of equipment belonging to the same set:
    (2): + 20.00% all resistance values
    (3): Essence consumption of skills is reduced by 1.
    Essence costs will never be reduced below 1.
    (4): + 20.00% more Resource
    (5): 15.00% chance that a skill doesn’t consume any Essences
    [​IMG]Black Essence Gloves
    [Values for item tier: 0]
    Base Values (PvE) / Active Values (PvP)
    + 23-31 Damage
    + (575-775)-(633-853)-(748-1007) Health Points
    [Depending on class]
    + 368-496 Armor Value

    13.8-18.4% increased damage
    82.9-110.5% increased damage on this item

    Bonus for pieces of equipment belonging to the same set:
    (2): + 20.00% all resistance values
    (3): Essence consumption of skills is reduced by 1.
    Essence costs will never be reduced below 1.
    (4): + 20.00% more Resource
    (5): 15.00% chance that a skill doesn’t consume any Essences

    [​IMG]Black Essence Boots
    [Values for item tier: 0]
    Base Values (PvE) / Active Values (PvP)
    + 23-31 Damage
    + (575-775)-(633-853)-(748-1007) Health Points
    [Depending on class]
    + 368-496 Armor Value

    10.2-13.8% faster movement speed
    46.0-55.2% more Health Points on this item

    Bonus for pieces of equipment belonging to the same set:
    (2): + 20.00% all resistance values
    (3): Essence consumption of skills is reduced by 1.
    Essence costs will never be reduced below 1.
    (4): + 20.00% more Resource
    (5): 15.00% chance that a skill doesn’t consume any Essences

    Essence Sprout Pets:

    White Essence Sprout[​IMG]
    + 5% to all
    + 11% to all
    + 17% to all
    + 23% to all
    Black Essence Sprout[​IMG]
    + 0.115 Block strength
    + 2 Resource
    + 0.23 Block strength
    + 5 Resource
    + 0.345 Block strength
    + 8 Resource
    + 0.46 Block strength
    + 10 Resource

    New implementations and important changes based on community feedback
    • Events
      • The Desert of Essences Event has been polished (more detailed info below)
        • Kia Krisal
          • Attack Range of the Essence Shardlings reduced
          • Bosses with individual themes have been added to the different versions of Kia Krisal
        • Equipment
          • The pieces of the Black Essence Armament Set will now drop from these specific Bosses
        • Attire
          • The bonus of the Desert of Essence Event Attire has been improved
        • Entry costs
          • The amount of realm paths, needed to enter the Desert of the Lost has been decreased
          • The amount of realm paths, needed to enter the Kia Krisal has been decreased
        • Minimum level requirement
          • The minimum level that is required to be able to participate in the event is now 35
          • Therefore, the first progress bar tier (requirement: level 20-34) has been removed
        • Shady Jon
          • Shady Jon has been added to the Desert of the Lost
        • Sandstorms
          • We reduced the harmful effects of the sandstorms
        • Sentinel in the Desert of the Lost
          • The Sentinel now drops additionally loot
        • Draken
          • The amount of Draken you get per progress bar tier was changed
        • Uncovered Chests
          • Chests spawn after every sandstorm monster wave
        • Essence chest
          • The loot was slightly changed
        • Center platform gateways
          • The gateways have been moved
          • Map icons have been added

      • Quests
        • Treasures Ahead (2/2)
          • The collect tasks can now also be solved by group members
        • All the colors
          • The collect tasks can now also be solved by group members
          • The drop chance of the different Crystal Shards has been slightly improved
        • All the colors (repeatable)
          • The collect tasks can now also be solved by group members
          • You now collect any Crystal Shard color, without being bound to the quest order
        • Purple Riches
          • The collect tasks can now also be solved by group members
          • The drop chance of the purple Crystal Shards has been greatly improved
    • Boss fights
      • During the Essence Trial, you now face Animated Armors, imbued with the respective element they represent – prepare yourself, for every boss has its’ individual strengths and weaknesses
    • Desert of Essences Event Attire
      • We did add an additional bonus effect while not raising the price for the attire:
    You are now immune against the harmful effects of sandstorms
    • Realm path entry costs
      • You now need only 1 realm path to enter the Desert of the Lost, no matter the difficulty
      • You now need only 1 realm path to enter the Kia Krisal, no matter the difficulty
    • Sentinel
      • The Sentinel in the Desert of the Lost now drops Crystal Dew and Essence Water (The amount is scaling with the chosen difficulty)
    • Draken
      • The amount of Draken you get per progress bar tier was changed, so that players on every tier will get 300 Draken, not only the ones on the highest tier
    • Drop behavior
      • After every Sandstorm, you will now find Uncovered Chests, which amongst other loot, contain a fix amount of Crystal Dew and Essence Water (The amount is scaling with the chosen difficulty). This is an addition to the normal drop amount of Crystal Dew which was not was not changed
    • Essence chest
      • We removed the uncommon Essence of Vigor (non-elemental) from the Essence Chest
    • Gateways to Kia Krisal
      • To prevent players from unwillingly activating gateways, we moved the individual ones to the edges of the map. In addition to that, we added Cease Fire zones, so players do not fight there and activate a gateway by misclicking during fights
      • The Cease Fire zones are easy to spot as always
      • We added map icons for the portals
    • Sandstorms
      • We lowered the debuff damage
      • We reduced the amount of ticks
      • We decreased the movement speed malus
    • Essence Shardlings in Kia Krisal
      • We reduced the attack range of the Essence Shardlings and added a randomized initial attack interval, so they do not attack at the same time

    Desert of Essences Event Attire:

    • Bonus while active:

    • 50% increased Essence Water drop stack size
    • Makes you immune against the harmful effects of the sandstorm

      Duration: 4 days
  5. VenusIT

    VenusIT Commander of the Forum

    Dzielni Bohaterowie!

    Z pewnego źródła wiemy, że niektóre z powyższych informacji mogą wymagać drobnych lub większych poprawek, dlatego prosimy o odrobinę cierpliwości. Dobre duszki tego Forum dołożą wszelkich starań, aby zaktualizowana, poprawna wersja przewodnika pojawiła się tutaj najszybciej, jak będzie to możliwe ;)
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