Suggestion PVP Achievements, some good names

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Perfect[IoN]1, Feb 1, 2016.

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  1. Perfect[IoN]1

    Perfect[IoN]1 Junior Expert

    achievements in pvp like the total kills records pop up but here is some new ones maybe

    Revenge (kill a player in death)
    Betrayed by Victory (get killed by a fallen player)
    2 Birds 1 Stone (kill 2 players with 1 hit)
    3 Birds 1 Boulder (kill 3 players with 1 hit)
    Man Down!! (do 0 damage in a duel)
    Rage Rampage (kill 13 players in 3v3)
    Left the Level (level up in the area)
    Damn Damage (get 100 stun points in 1 Battle)
    When it Rains it Pours (get 20 deaths in one battle)
    It is but a Scratch! (leave the arena with 5% of your life)
    Brothers in Arms (enter a battle with extra 2 players from group)

    Got some more funny idea's
    Hit me with some of your idea's :rolleyes:
    hempthegreen, Darwarren and epvp like this.
  2. Opalsion

    Opalsion Junior Expert

    Hahah :p I like the titles! And I have to add one more that I saw a while ago, "Anarchist" (have 1000 dishonorable kills) :D
    hempthegreen and Darwarren like this.
  3. epvp

    epvp Forum Apprentice

    More than 100 kills in 5v5 or 6v6 - >grim reaper
    hempthegreen and Darwarren like this.
  4. MANOJ

    MANOJ Forum Pro

    Let them fix pvp first o_O
  5. hempthegreen

    hempthegreen Advanced

    I +1 this idea. Would be great add to the game, make the game a bit more interesting , Plus pvp needs more content. Extra battles such as free for all would be a nice add.
    Perfect[IoN]1 likes this.
  6. Guitarman

    Guitarman Forum Master

    Suicidal King - killed by your own guardian / wolves... :)
  7. Perfect[IoN]1

    Perfect[IoN]1 Junior Expert

    ha never happen to me yet, thank god
    i would love to see more honor rewards for these acts preformed in the arena. 50 honor for indestructible badge is hardly great
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