PvP balance? What a joke

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Hellamyjamgirl, Feb 11, 2014.

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  1. ToshiBoy

    ToshiBoy Someday Author

    Like I said... ok, have the imbalance but at least make the rewards fairer. No one wants to be cannon fodder for 20 points. If I do have to be cannon fodder, then at least give me 300 or even more points for losing against stronger players. That way, weaker players can climb the tree quicker, become more competitive and every body wins. Vice versa, if you do have a Marshall vs Recruit, why should the Marshall get 1000 points for beating the recruit to a pulp? Give him 50 points for this easy win. That way, weaker players won't mind being in the arena, because at least they get some points. :) (and thank you @sper009
    IWantedALongUsername likes this.
  2. kama5utra

    kama5utra Someday Author

    I find this idea a really good, or at least till people have the same pvp lvl. not really funny when the other player is 33% faster just because of a skill.
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