PvP in this game is the worst i've ever seen

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by slatermill, Feb 19, 2014.

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  1. slatermill

    slatermill Forum Greenhorn

    12 years playing MMORPG's (60 at least id say) and most of all - a pvp fan, i've just found the worst possible pvp game.

    For me the most importent rule is - never let someone kill another player with less then 4 hits. 1 shot is the obsolute worst case scenario I think, no player ever enjoys this. wanne 1 shot someone - play COD. boom, headshot. done.

    Well this game has those, good enough reason, but i've seen others, so what else do we have here :

    Lets take todays game. I started playing drakensang about a week ago, so i'm trying all the calsses, this one was a lvl 14 mage.
    now imagine capture the flag, all players are lvl 10-14, exept one, he is a lvl 6.
    you can see by hes pvp rank he doesnt lvl up, only pvp with it. but how bad can it get, I mean, lvl 6, all the others are twice that....? realy realy bad, thanks for asking.
    As a lvl 14 mage, i crit him 5 dmg. yes. 5 dmg, read this loud and try not to laugh. he just took the flag, stood there and let all hit him, then killed us again and again, not dropping beneath 80% HP at any given time of those 15 minutes.
    total score for him - more then 50 kills, 0 deaths.

    Dont think I need to explain why this isnt "accepteble" or normal.
    any game that lets this be, and it doesnt metter how, by money or grinding or who cares, doesnt take itself or its players seriously.

    Ive realy seen it all. P2W, gear based, skill based, bug based, button smash, 10 sec stuns, you name it, we all seen our fair share, but this is just absured to the max.

    The only enjoyeble PvP i had here is when there was non of those guys that have a realy good gear. but those are about 10% of the matches, even less.

    So the game is great, when its balanced - its realy fun, but most of the times, you are beaten by the games poor balance between weak and strong.

    No gear in any game should give those adventages of u doing 5 dmg and taking 500 in return. from someone half ur lvl, like that even metters, exept making it funnier, but not funny haha you know...

    I dare anyone to show me another game where you do to another player 1/100 then he does to you.
    And I dare you to find any player who think this is fun. I bet even the poor guy who grind for it (game time or real time for cash) doesnt enjoy as you might think.
    Meph9 likes this.
  2. ZmajodBosne

    ZmajodBosne Active Author

    Nice and vivid explanation, really enjoyed reading your post.

    There are no limitations in game for that issues.
    If that 6 lvl mage put enough money he can have 50 lvl gear, which is really hard to get if you just farm glyphs. I'm lvl 45 mage and don't have any 50 lvl piece of gear.
    Imagine that and a lot of more stuff (sacred gems for dmg, speed, resistance, armor and health, red essence and blessing) and you have this scenario.
    Last edited: Feb 19, 2014
  3. Zokin

    Zokin Forum Expert

    Its impossible to start a pvp match with more than 5 exp lvl diference. Are you sure he was lvl 6 and you lvl 14? Btw i agree with you in nearly all, expecially in last two sentences.
  4. LucidWolf9

    LucidWolf9 Forum Greenhorn

    I totally agree with you, it sucks.
  5. spiro_spula

    spiro_spula Forum Connoisseur

    The imbalance is most striking at lower levels, as you described, because the lvl6 dood was encrusted with high-grade gems. For instance, +100 hp per gem (top grade amethyst) does not make much of a difference at level 45 when your life total is measured in thousands, even for spellweavers. However, if your life total is measured in hundreds, as it is at lower levels, you can easily quadruple (or more) your life total with bought gems. In addition, most characters of lower levels have not had the chance to get any gems of their own (maybe have a few flawed gems), making the difference even larger than it would be at endgame level.
    However, a person who is looking for the thrill of defeating a n00b with an overpowered character clearly has some real-life issues. One can only imagine that such a person is unable to achieve fulfillment or derive pleasure from his actions in any other way, meaning that stomping on n00bs is the only thing that makes them feel good about themselves. That alone speaks volumes.
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