pvp is not balanced.

Discussion in 'PvP (Player vs. Player)' started by Darknight00swag, Jan 29, 2019.

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  1. Erik

    Erik Forum Apprentice

    It is very strong that someone complains about the dwarf in pvp ... and the 3-4k hit by blow that already shows that you don't know pvp and even then, the archer is the third worst class in pvp, and more specifically in 1v1.
  2. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    No one knows PvP but you ... right?
    I don't know what game are you playing ... but in DSO midgets are seriously OP in arena.
    Erik likes this.
  3. Erik

    Erik Forum Apprentice

    @trakilaki I guess you're War, precisely the dwarf can win against good warriors, but keep losing in HIGH-ELO
  4. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    Nope I am a ranger.
    I love when midgets are throwing oil and bombs at me and placing turrets far away so if I head to them turrets they just jump off the range and the turrets re gone ... of course ... I love them healing while running and taking your HP down without a chance to regenerate.
    You gotta love them midgets :)
    All that with ranger's bugged skills that are not hitting the target at all.
  5. Erik

    Erik Forum Apprentice

    I buy you that the ranger is difficult to use, but never the dwarf is better. I guess you're not from Heredur if I couldn't recognize you :( anyway, The archer and the dwarf are the worst classes in 1vs1 (and pvp in general), in any case I talk about high-elo and not at normal levels.
    Last edited: Sep 18, 2019