pvp no longer exists on balor server

Discussion in 'General Forum' started by gabouel, May 29, 2023.

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  1. gabouel

    gabouel Forum Greenhorn

    hello savage pvp no longer exists on balor server, and global pvp no longer exists either,
    there is no more pvp on balor server for 6 years, server change and top priority!!

    please do something for her!!

    thanks bb

  2. Marginal013

    Marginal013 Forum Greenhorn

    about the issue of the PvP server Balor not having players too, they could have taken advantage of the game's release on Steam and merged several servers. Balor is becoming increasingly decadent, forgotten by everyone, and doomed to exile.

  3. gabouel

    gabouel Forum Greenhorn

    Hundreds of players lost and thousands of euros lost for bigpoint he will try to ask himself the right question!!
    What are the developers doing?