Suggestion PVP old style

Discussion in 'Creative Corner' started by anghelmarian05, Dec 25, 2022.

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  1. anghelmarian05

    anghelmarian05 Forum Greenhorn

    Hello. We know, I know pvp is dead for good.How about for old memories, for those how really enjoyed playing do something simple and symbolic. Is clear no way to get better on that. So why do we even try create a pvp system ? How about a simple one, all of charactes has same stats same items. Now where's the farm right? for the ones like that give them the estetic. Do You wanna look like a black knight fighting for glory? Farm for Your sikns... Do You wanna enjoy and remember good old days? Get into a match where all things are fair and maybe we get some fun? I mean neve gonna newbye compete with marshals and today those u find in pvps. 1 shot or no way to kill them, can't even find 1 match to be even close of doing 1% dmg and common I was lvl 50 at the time with q7 set on inf3 .... Please?
    I miss old 3v3 and 5v5 capture the flag so much....
    OOOOhhh ohh wait. And We can buy progress for skins right? So now is money in game, common bigpoint... Please?
    khkhSLIFMOOR likes this.