Suggestion PVP rebalancing system: the true solution

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by alchimista, May 4, 2018.

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  1. GoldenBoy

    GoldenBoy Forum Apprentice

    According to whom?

    DSO has already plenty of characters (+70) add a few more abilities/skills to them...and presto!!!

    Don't forget that MOBA doesn't = fairness, it means a new way to make money...thats all.
    Also BP already build a MOBA game and was a complete failure.

    On topic...
    ...the OP's idea doesn't resolve anything, it only reduces a bit of everyone's overall barely makes no difference.
    And what about everyone below lvl50?

    This idea is not "The True Solution" like the OP suggest.
    Yes there are solution to this problem, but why present them, if the dev team has already made their mind on what to do.
    I would gladly present mine, if the dev team asked the community "how would you solve PvP" and gather all the info needed to make it better for everyone.

    Has the dev team asked the community - NO
    Will the dev team ask the community - probably not
    trakilaki likes this.
  2. Shansurri

    Shansurri Active Author

    It's all about matching up players accurately. Nothing wrong with T6 gear full of royals and maxed runes-- until DSO matches that toon with someone running T2 gear and some polished, with not enough runes to even fill all the slots yet.

    Neither toon is 'wrong'. What's wrong is the pairing, and that is on DSO. Period.
  3. BigHink

    BigHink Forum Inhabitant

    As long as you don't complain about waiting hours if not longer for the perfect match that is a great suggestion. When forced to do pvp for a clover I am glad to take any opponent.
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