pvp solution

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Lordcl, Feb 18, 2014.

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  1. Lordcl

    Lordcl Junior Expert

    okay i got it. if you put pvp into classess depending on pvp lvl then it is hard to find fights and whatnot. but why dont you give that chance to people? why should i go and fight marshals and whatnots? put there a new pvp category, name it ,fight your own rank, and give people the choice!
  2. yamahamm

    yamahamm Advanced

    I would like to change your idea a bit. how about you could fight with anyone you want in 1v1? for example, sometimes I want to test my skills with my friend field-marshall, sometimes I want to fight with my friend centurion to show him my skills :D and sometimes I want to fight with my rank, as usual.

    a button near chat, ignore, invite to group called "invite to fight"
  3. LucidWolf9

    LucidWolf9 Forum Greenhorn

    That sounded like a good idea to me at first also, but then I though about it more and I think that would actually make it worse because then you will have people buying andermant to get the best armor to always beat you so you don't even have a chance at having rank on them.
  4. Lordcl

    Lordcl Junior Expert

    these are just ideas. there is lots of space on pvp join screen. they can add such features such as mentioned here
  5. Pokemoneater

    Pokemoneater Forum Greenhorn

    I completely agree with you PVP scale ruined after r 117 :confused:
    Novice Centurion Vs Marshal Is that justice :mad:

    Last edited by moderator: Feb 19, 2014
  6. multitoonz

    multitoonz Forum Great Master

    I suggested a loooooong time ago on the old forums player set parameters PvP matches to solve many match unbalancing problems but figured maybe it would be too complicated for a BP programmer to figure out, so never really followed up on it.
    Setting personal invitational match parameters with what is allowed/disallowed ie ess, buffs, rank etc would make a lot of new struggling PvP'ers very happy.
  7. merchantventurer

    merchantventurer Forum Greenhorn

    The basic problem is that there are not enough characters on each server trying to PvP. BP tried requiring characters to wait until they found a match of opponents of similar capability, and found that players could not get CtF and StF games because there weren't 10 or 12 characters of similar ability waiting to fight. So they instituted the current selection algorithm, which puts weak characters in to make up the numbers against characters of good gear.

    The choice is between no one having any PvP, and characters with good gear having fun and racking up honor while characters with poor gear go 0-30 in a good StF game.

    Well, there is another choice, but that involves some kind of handicap system, which really is the sort of thing you get in a Pay-to-Play game, whereas DO is resolutely committed to being F2P (and thus P2W, because BP programmers have to pay rent somehow).

    Shame really. It's a bit late now to put degradation into gems and glyphs, but that's the better solution from a player fun viewpoint. DO's current mechanics are their own worst barrier to new player entry.
  8. ToshiBoy

    ToshiBoy Someday Author

    Well, there is another way around it: Reward players more for playing stronger characters. Take Duel for instance: I walk in, get shot down, and I get around 50 honour points. I win, I get around 350. It doesn't matter much who I am up against. It would be so much better, that I get rewarded for being cannonfodder in the arena and if I go up against an overpowered flagbearer, that I lose twice, but get - say - 150 points. At least that way I actually have a chance of one day being higher up on the PvP tree, thereby doing more damage to others, have more skills and the game has some incentive. As it is now... there is no incentive, and in duels, I really just go in and check if the other player is stronger. If they are, there is absolutely no point in battling them. I just stand in a corner and get my 50 points.
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