Announcement PvP Statement

Discussion in 'Official Announcements' started by Mal3ficent, Nov 7, 2018.

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  1. Mal3ficent

    Mal3ficent Guest

    PvP – Planning via Priorities

    Dear Heroes of Drakensang,

    First, we want to thank you for all the feedback and first impressions that reached us via our moderators, forum threads, polls, YouTube videos, comments on our social media channels etc. since the first PvP adjustments were announced in the Community Letter and applied onto the Test Server.

    We really appreciate your effort and support that help us to improve our game.

    What we want to make clear with this statement is that the PvP adjustments coming with release 213/14 are only the beginning of a new PvP era. Limiting the possible combat value of a player allows us to lead the way our PvP is currently working in a new and better direction. It is only a first step to revive the aspects of fun, action, and gratification in battleground matches.

    While we are confident to reach this goal, we also know that there is a lot for us to do and we are standing in front of a difficult task. Once this huge Release 213/14 is live, PvP will be one of our top priorities. Which means we will focus on monitoring PvP matches and analyzing PvP data, we will continue to collect player feedback AND most importantly we will present you a PvP Roadmap with Release 215.

    The main focus on this roadmap will be to think of a new connection and relation between PvE and PvP (such as PvP Equipment, Enchantments for PvP only etc), so that the effort you put in to build your character will still matter in the battleground but in a more balanced and fair way as it currently is.

    Without making any promises the roadmap might contain things like PvP seasons, an updated PvP Tree, new PvP battlegrounds, PvP events…but we need to repeat: These are ideas which highly depend on the feedback and data we receive with Release 213/14 as well as economic and technical factors.

    In the end, it will all be part of the right planning via priorities.

    We look forward to more feedback and are thankful for your on-going support throughout all the years!

    Your Drakensang Online Team
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