Suggestion PVP Store

Discussion in 'Creative Corner' started by Roy900, Mar 15, 2020.

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  1. Roy900

    Roy900 Forum Apprentice

    Hi everyone.
    Could the admins add items of tiers 7-8 (green, blue or purple) to the pvp store for those who want to play pvp, but do not have the ability to pass the infernal 3-4 levels?
  2. Malhadus

    Malhadus Forum Greenhorn

    Hello mate,

    I advise you to enter Q3 or Q6 in Infernal 4-5 and have 240 andermant, this with the intention of only entering there

    (since there are chests near the entrance) and open the EXTRAORDINARY chests since these objects are easier to climb from

    level and so you can have a little more damage and life :)
