Suggestion PVP tournaments :)

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by oOKellueHazeOo, Feb 21, 2017.

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  1. oOKellueHazeOo

    oOKellueHazeOo Regular

    Yesterday someone from agathon said that the reason the wings was implemented was because of the "Asian community" wanted to see it in and none of us asked for it. So hear this suggestion.

    I feel like pvp is getting boring and unfair now, I've heard a lot of my friends and a lot of high levels and end game players say so , so why not up the game a bit eh? I feel like 1v1 and 3v3 should have their own tournaments for example 6 teams start off, Then whoever wins gets 3 points while the losers get 1 and which ever team reaches the final gets 5 points and 50 gold 750 materi fragments and 500 andermant (Just a suggestion, of course make the rewards as you please) Or even add a wager/stake (sorry don't know what word it is) so the players can choose what to put in the rewards ;D, There could be a tournament every Friday for level 15 and above (Got to give new players a chance for once) and for this, it has to be fair, so no marshals are vs ardent cents, They vs knights of the order and above (If you don't make it fair then it's going to be very 1 sided..) im really not a very good writer for threads and stuff so if someone knows what im talking about and agree maybe you could help evaluate what I said :p. I hope you read this Drakensang developers as I have heard a lot of people ask for this :D.
  2. mjmuju

    mjmuju Junior Expert

    The idea sounds fun, but if PvP is "unfair" to begin with, a tournament (with more rewards and more prides at stake) would make more players enraged, wouldn't it?
    Maybe if they fixed the PvP first, then a tournament could be implemented later on.
    Just a two cents.
    MikeyMetro likes this.
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