Suggestion PvP update

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Shiro, Jun 29, 2018.

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  1. Shiro

    Shiro Padavan

    Idk, I'm not good with intros, anyway, since damage are too high compared to defensive stats, I thought maybe, togheter with the "downranking" of equipments while entering PvP, some base stats should change too.
    Also, I had some changes in mind about skills, wich will have a different effect and two talents (you can choose only 1 of them --> A or B).
    All this, obv, should go togheter with a new Honor talents tree.
    I divided the post for classes (except SMs, since I have no idea for them :oops:)

    <<<Please note that what you are going to read is related to PvP only>>>


    1. Base HP: 100k --> lvl 55
    2. Mana Points: 300
    3. Damage: 450 --> lvl 55
    4. Atk speed: 1.00 atk/sec
    5. Mov speed: +5% base
    6. Armor: +5% armor from items
    7. Resistances: +10% resistances from items
    8. Resources regeneration: +15 mana points per second

    • Magic Missile
      Single target
      Same range as now
      Andermagic damage
      70% of dmg
      a)Magic Missile generates 5 mana on a successfull hit.
      b)Each time you deal a critical hit with Magic Missile, you get the "Alcheimic Swiftness" buff that doubles your mana regeration for 5 seconds (non stackable. 30 seconds cooldown).
    • Fireball
      Single target
      Same range
      Fire damage
      150% of dmg
      Enemies hit are burned and suffer 20% of dmg as fire damage every 0.6 seconds for 3 seconds.
      50 Mana Cost
      a)Fireball no longer burns the enemies, but its dmg is increased by 75% (so 225%).
      b)Burnings inflict damages every 0.33 seconds for 2 seconds.
    • Ice Nova
      10% higher range than the current range.
      Ice damage
      100% of dmg
      Can be used while stunned (doesn't mean you are free from the stun after activation)
      50 Mana Cost
      18 seconds cooldown
      a)Enemies hit are stunned for 2 seconds, and the user is free from such negatives effects.
      b)Enemies hit suffer bleedings as phisical damage = 33% of dmg every sec for 3 seconds.
    • Teleport
      10% more max distance than now
      Teleports the caster to the desired location
      12 seconds cooldown
      a)After teleporting, user's mana is fully recovered and the cooldown is reduced to 9 seconds.
      b)Using Teleport frees the caster from all stuns and negative effects, also increase its movement speed by 50% for 2 seconds.
    • Lightning
      Same range as Chain Lightning
      Lightning damage
      60% of dmg + 180% of dmg
      Hit the enemy with a little electric shock. After 5 seconds, if the enemy is still electrified, it is hit by a lightning that inflicts 180% of dmg (works like one of Balor's skills)
      100 Mana Cost
      a)Lightining damage is increased by 200% (so the lightning deals 380% instead of 200%) but has a cooldown of 6 seconds.
      b)Reduce the falling time of the lightning to 3 seconds.
    • Mind Control
      Same "targeting" system
      An enemy hit by mind control moves randomly for 2 seconds
      50 Mana Cost
      1 min cooldown
      a)Successfully applying Mind Control (so when it doesn't say ("immune")-> when activated on turrets, hunter's pet, guardian, Dk with dragonhide) allows the caster to use its skills without activating their cooldown, for 1 second.
      b)After the 2 seconds of control, the enemy is hit by disgrace and suffer 150% of dmg as Andermagic damages.


    1. Base HP: 110k --> lvl 55
    2. Fury: 0 min 100max
    3. Damage: 380 --> lvl 55
    4. Attack Speed: 1.00 atk/sec
    5. Mov Speed: +10% base
    6. Armor: +10% armor from items
    7. Resistances: +5 resist as fire resist, from items
    8. Resources Regeneration: +5 fury per hit. After 20 seconds of non generating/spending fury, it dacay 2 fury per sec

    • Rage Attack
      Single target
      Meelee range
      Phisical damage
      60% ofdmg
      Generates 5 Rage on a succesfull hit
      a)Rage attack generates 10 additional Rage on a successfull hit.
      b)An enemy hit by Rage Attack takes 20% more damage from Smash, if hit within the next 3 seconds (not stackable. 10 seconds cooldown).
    • Smash
      Multi target
      Meelee range (same angle as usual)
      Phisical damage
      250% of dmg
      30 Rage cost
      a)An enemy hit by Smash suffers additional 50% of dmg as bleeding (phisical damage) over 3 seconds (hits every 1 second).
      b)Reduce the fury cost of Smash by 10.
    • Bloody Wild Swing
      Multi target
      Meelee range (same range as current talented version)
      Phisical Damage
      150% of dmg over 5 seconds
      8 seconds cooldown
      a)Increase total damage dealt to 210%.
      b)Reduce enemy's armor by 20% for 3 seconds.
    • Rage Jump
      Jump same max distance as usual
      Phisical damage
      60% of dmg
      Generate 40 rage on succesfull hit
      20 seconds cooldown
      a)Increase the damage dealt by Rage Jump by 30% (so 90% tot) and reduces its cooldown by 5 seconds.
      b)After landing, you take 20% less damage for 4 seconds.
    • Ground Breaker
      Multi target
      Same range as usual (10% faster than normal)
      Fire damage
      75% of dmg
      Stuns enemies hit for 2.5 seconds
      25 seconds cooldown
      a)Ground Breaker generates 20 fury if an enemy is hit.
      b)The cooldown of Ground Breaker is reduced by 5 seconds but the stun effect lasts only for 2 seconds.
    • Furious Battle Cry
      + 60% mov speed for 4 seconds
      Frees the user from every stun and negative effect
      30 seconds cooldown
      a)Decrease the speed bonus to 30% mov speed but increase the duration to 8 seconds.
      b)Decrease the damage done by enemies in a 3m radius by 20% for 4 seconds. Cooldown is reduced by 5s.
    • Charge
      Multi target
      Dash the same distance as usual
      Phisical damage
      150% of dmg
      20 Rage cost
      15 seconds cooldown
      a)Charge can be used two times before cooldown starts.
      b)Every enemy hit is stunned for 2 seconds.
    • Dragon Hide
      The user become immune to stuns and other negative effects for 8 seconds, but its damage are reduced by 20%
      50 seconds cooldown
      a)User's armor and resistance values are increased by 50% for 8 seconds.
      b)Activating Dragon Hide frees the user from all stuns and negative effects.
    • Banner of war
      Multi target
      AoE, DoT
      Fire damage
      40% of dmg per second for 10 seconds
      Place a banner on the ground creating a fire aura around it (20% larger area than current BoW) that lasts for 10 seconds
      60 seconds cooldown
      a)While the user is inside the area of its BoW, its damages are increased by 20%.
      b)Enemies inside BoW have their movement speed reduced by 40%.


    1. Base HP: 105k --> lvl 55
    2. Concentration Points: 150
    3. Damages: 410 --> lvl 55
    4. Attack Speed: 1.00 atk/sec
    5. Mov Speed: +5% base
    6. Armor: +8% armor from items
    7. Resistances: +5% resist as poison resist, from items
    8. Resources Regeneration: +8 concentration points per second

    • Precision Shot
      Phisical damage
      125% of dmg
      If the enemies hit by Precision Shot are marked, they suffer double dmg.
      40 Conc Cost
      a)Critical hits increase your movement speed by 20% for 1.5 seconds.
      b)Increase the damage dealt by PS by 25% (so 150%) and they become lightning damages.
    • Death Sweep
      Meelee range
      Poison damage
      120% of dmg over 4 seconds
      Enemies hit by Death Sweep suffers 30% of dmg as Poison damages every second, during 4 seconds
      a)Enemies hit are marked for 6 seconds, having their movement speed and attack speed reduced by 40% for 3 seconds.
      b)Enemies hit suffer from the Poisoned Blood debuff, for 10 seconds, stacking up to 3 times. When the enemy has 3 stacks of Poisoned Blood, it is stunned for 0.5 seconds (can't occur more than once in 15seconds).
    • Hunting Trap
      AoE, DoT
      Poison damage
      100% of dmg over 3 seconds
      Place an Hunting Trap under your feet that lasts for 10 seconds (no animation and invisible to enemies). When an enemy passes through its area, it activates marking (6 seconds) and poisoning all enemies in a 5m radius for 33% of dmg every second for 3 seconds.
      15 Conc Cost
      20 seconds cooldown
      a)Hunting Trap has no concentration cost, also stuns for 2 seconds the enemy that activates it.
      b)You can place the Hunting Trap where you desire, also, enemies hit have their movement speed reduced by 80% for 2 seconds.
    • Adrenaline
      Refill 100% conc points and increases movement speed by 40% for 3 seconds
      20 seconds cooldown
      a)Increase the speed bonus to +60% increased movement speed for 7 seconds, but reduce damages dealt by 25% during its duration.
      b)You can use Adrenaline to remove stuns and negative effects.
    • Thicket of Thorns
      AoE, DoT
      Poison damage
      30%+200% of dmg over 10 seconds
      Shot an arrow that deals 30% phisical damage. If it hits, it creates an area (2x3 metres) of thorns around that lasts for 10 seconds, dealing 20% damage per sec.
      60 Concentration cost
      30 sec cooldown
      a)Enemies inside Thicket of Thorns have their movement speed reduced by 50%.
      b)Thicket of Torns lasts 5 seconds, but deal 40% damage per sec.


    1. Base HP: 105k --> lvl 55
    2. Steam Points: +++
    3. Damages: 410 --> lvl 55
    4. Attack Speed: 1.00 atk/sec
    5. Mov Speed: +5% base
    6. Armor: +8% armor from items
    7. Resistances: +5% resist as lightning resist, from items
    8. Resources Regeneration: +N steam points per second

    So if you have any suggestion about non mentioned skills, specially for Steam Mechanicus, you are welcomed to write them down here.
    Also, if you find some skills/talents, or the whole post, weird, you are free to write it, maybe with some kind of fix.
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