Q&A Development Team Letter

Discussion in 'Discussions on Current Topics' started by DSO Production Team, Aug 16, 2017.

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  1. Dragonnns

    Dragonnns Count Count

    I really hate the gambling aspect that has pervaded so much of Drakensang. Is there anything in the works to remove some of it? Or if not remove it, change it so not everyone has to gamble?

    For example, say I really want a particular mount. However, it is only available via a Sphere which gives me a random mount of which I already have several. So now I end up paying for a mount I already have (frustrating...makes you want to throw things). What about charging a lot more for the mount in question (not in a Sphere) and a lot less for those in a Sphere?
    Akageshi, Rhysingstar and semen470 like this.
  2. Vuvuzela

    Vuvuzela Forum Greenhorn

    Hi. I have some questions.
    1. Will it be possible to collect all pieces of equipment from the Temple Guardian Federation?
    2. Whether the Karabossa's Icy Gear and Magotina's Dusky Gear achivements will be fixed?
    3. Will it be possible to find Goldziller somewhere in Lor'Tac by the char of 55 lvl?))
  3. Akageshi

    Akageshi Forum Duke

    See, I like DSO, the basic idea of hack & slash, fantasy, role play thing.
    But sometimes I'm a bit ashamed of liking it. Because it's virtually a synonym to gamble. And honestly, I hate gambling and I feel so sorry for such a pretty game that plays so well(!) becoming a farm & gamble simulator. It's so sad :'[

    It's not just a gamble with andermant / real money. It's worse - it's a gamble with time. It's unfair. Yes, real life is unfair, but this is a game, why not making it fair?!


    Player A spends 20k andermant on lucky spheres and spends 10 hours farming a Q boss. Receives
    10 awesome rewards.
    Player B spends 20k andermant on lucky spheres and spends 10 hours farming a Q boss. Receives
    0 rewards [except a bunch of draken].

    Both situations are currently possible.
    Devs are feeling good because money and because statistically each of the two players received 10/2
    =5 awesome things.
    Statistically it's quite ok, but in reality you have a super unfair frustrating system.
    alchimista and rcch like this.
  4. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    There is nothing to be fixed. That achievement should go to legacy achievements since those items are not obtainable anymore. These items now ... are completely different set "Calamity of the Twin Queens".

    Speaking of achievements ... when new achievement titles will be added? The highest title "Experienced Noob" requires 7000 points ... and most of the players have it. But some players are having 12K+ points and still same title.
  5. sargon234

    sargon234 Commander of the Forum

    Oh, because when you buy a mount during a sale or from a vendor you spend a fixed amout of andermants. But when you buy a sphere, there is no guarantee at how much you'll spend, you may end up spending much more, and probably it'll happen that
    Does the new karabossa set give the achievement for the karabossa set?The new darkness set, the one they made for level 50, gave the same achievement of the old one, why shouldn't be the same for the new the twin queen sets?
    Also putting in legacy achievements was a bad idea

    The same question can be asked about the leggendary king set and the dark corruption set

    But what about the little dinosaur from lortac? can it still be found?
    Demon likes this.
  6. Rhysingstar

    Rhysingstar Forum Ambassador

    Since you cannot move Tegan players to a server that people actually play on, how about you give us the same option that you gave that 3rd party version of DSO that went under?

    Those players got to move to a real server and were compensated with all the ander and/or money that they had spent? Give me my money/ander back and I'll switch in a New York minute. As much as I would hate to lose everything that I've worked so hard for, playing on the forgotten ghost server is just sad on the best of days.

    You can make it optional for anyone who wants to stay on this dead server and take their chances that you guys just don't close it down.
  7. *PerSab**

    *PerSab** Forum Apprentice

    Ehat about Bo.tusers and Cheaters? We know they exist, Bigpoint know they exist but you do nothing more than 3 years I write to support and on forum but I didnt look change. Tell me why you are passive in this problem? When you will start banning this players? (sorry for my english but I hope you understand me)
  8. alchimista

    alchimista Forum Pro

    Hi Dev,
    Hi Team,

    I 'm here again to ask you a question that maybe all the community have :
    Will this feature ever be implemented ?
    Have you ever think about its execution ?


    Will few of our question ever receive an answer from you ?

    is there life on mars ?
    cogix likes this.
  9. sargon234

    sargon234 Commander of the Forum

    Doesn't it work with premium?
  10. AlexCC

    AlexCC Someday Author

    Hi, just a suggestion: reduce the essence consumption for one-hand weapons.
    There's no benefit in playing in Parallel Worlds with one-hand weapon because of the much higher essence consumpion compared with two-hand weapons.
    Hence most of the players use two-hand, and that creates lack of diversity. I prefer to play with 1 hand and high speed, i find it funnier. But i dont, because it's too much of a disavantage. Thanks.

    Edit: also consider to increase shields/orbs/bucklers (or whatever is called) block rate / power. No one will use a shield - besides tanks - instead of a any other option, if a the shield only gives 10% block rate. Improving shields base block rate / power might also help with the 1shot = 1 kill problem in pvp.
    Last edited: Sep 10, 2017
    cdeepal, Akageshi and alchimista like this.
  11. *Happiness*

    *Happiness* Junior Expert

    I want an Aphrodite costume :)

    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    or a nice gnome costume:)

    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    in the Russian forum 97.1% players also want to see more women's costumes:
    Last edited: Sep 11, 2017
    gun likes this.
  12. sargon234

    sargon234 Commander of the Forum

    There also need to be a bikini armor costume, this is an RPG after all, all RPG have such a costume, also they are trying to market this game to East asian audiences, and we know there are many popular Asian mmo-rpg with bikini armor, this will help acquire new players from east asia to compensate all lost players from the asinine decision of the dev team. Also, another reason to put such a costume is that bikini armors are the most protecting armors of all
  13. Akageshi

    Akageshi Forum Duke

    xD good one

    But speaking of the looks, I'm not very fond of the way a lot of armor looks especially on higher levels :/

    New costumes would be nice :]
    *Happiness* likes this.
  14. sargon234

    sargon234 Commander of the Forum

    I'm dead serious
    Iron is magnetic, and since weapon are made of metal, the armor will attract the weapon
    The skin is made of organic compounds, which we know are not magnetic
    It's simple physics, not quantum mechanics
    Akageshi likes this.
  15. Akageshi

    Akageshi Forum Duke

    Actually, you've got a point there.
    Also, especially if the cup is made of chain mail, it may get a weapon stuck in there, thus disarming the attacker.
    Some may get disarmed remotely though.
  16. sargon234

    sargon234 Commander of the Forum

    exactly, that's how you win wars, no nukes, no giant armies, women in bikini armor, especially against male armies and [EDIT] armies
    Last edited by moderator: Sep 10, 2017
  17. cdeepal

    cdeepal Forum Baron

    As some of the other players have pointed out, it seems currently if one chose to use one handed weapons they will be at a big disadvantage.

    (1) Most importantly the lack of PW boss unique one handed weapons.
    (2) Lack of unique item sets that gives benefits to one handed players. For example Dragan set focus only on two handed weapons.
    (3) Lack of increased attack speed. Currently two handed weapons can equip 16% attack speed runes. I thought one handed weapon are supposed to be faster than two handed weapons. Then why do one handed weapons can only equip 8% attack speed runes?
    (4) Increased essence usage compared to using a two handed weapon
    (5) Decreased benefits from certain spells. Like heals for the DK favors two handed weapon as you get healed as a percentage of the damage you do. Same for Rangers Wolves and the Tree.

    Currently only DKs play one handed builds to play as Tanks. There is absolutely no one else trying to build one handed setups given the above disadvantages.

    Do you have plans to make one handed builds more attractive?
    Akageshi and Rhysingstar like this.
  18. Mesala

    Mesala Advanced

    A simple one, what about the insane amount of andermant cost for expanding slots on the cloaks?
    Its super disproportional to other items slots expansion cost since it always drop with 1 slot.

    And another one, why droprate of mana potions is so low? Its disabled in pvp, so no need for the droprate to be so L.O.W. since its usable only in PVE.
    Last edited: Sep 12, 2017
    Demon, *Happiness* and cdeepal like this.
  19. iNeXoRaBlE

    iNeXoRaBlE Forum Great Master

    Most of the players including me, are casual players, i like to spend my free time playing the game, not rotting inside the game. You know the other games here don't work for BP and actually have to work at normal jobs to pay the premium and deluxe you want us to buy. The game wants kids to play but the majority of the players are adults, that have a job and a life. When you make an event try to consider that as well, not all players can spend 2-6 hours a day. Personally i am a Videographer and i work many hours a day to make a living.
    And ignoring all that, most players actually are buying the uniques due to the low drop, so if you want a good set you have to spend countless materi to get it (golden lines), so a lower tier would be better with the augment cores, i dont mind to pay drakens but at least i pay less materi and draken for the the cores. So if you want to make such a price for the cores increase the drop in the higher difficulties.

    Now about the new crafting. I haven't seen anybody post how will we craft Consumables, can you give us a hint? Will it come with the new rel?

    Last edited: Sep 12, 2017
    semen470 likes this.
  20. Demon

    Demon Forum Mogul

    I want a brothel, a casino ,a cinema, a night club , some pubs with nice waitress and some naked girs that sell pizza from dor to door i want some streap tease places in Kingshil and a yacht on Ashraya......and a laundry place so that i can clean and reuse my dirty old costumes or some new colors for them.
    ↑↑↑↑↑ - This will make this game way better.

    This game has so many bugs, is so m0ney oriented and some players just need more costume.

    I want to forget that i read and wrote this.
    Last edited: Sep 12, 2017
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