Q10 - Sargon's Fortress Of Shadows

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Haniball, Aug 20, 2017.

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  1. Haniball

    Haniball Forum Apprentice

    first map - wild forest under the night or some map from the old events
    second map - sargon's fortress of shadows
    boss - sargon
    drop: all sargon items
  2. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    Is this a suggestion or you have leaked information?
  3. Haniball

    Haniball Forum Apprentice

    It's a suggestion. That's why this section is named "Creative corner" not "News"
    So what do you think about it?
  4. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    I think it won't happen ... since they already made announcement on bringing back Sargon ... and it will probably be through event.
    If M'Edusa is the main dudess in Q9 ... Gorga should be in Q10.
    Please_enter_a_name likes this.
  5. Rhysingstar

    Rhysingstar Forum Ambassador

    Players have wanted Sargon to come back ever since the event was removed (myself included) but if for some odd reason it was brought back is there any hope that it would even slightly resemble what we loved so much?

    I agree with Trak, Gorga is the obvious next boss.
  6. Demon

    Demon Forum Mogul

    I think Q10 will be the lv45 boss Destructor.
    You can have 2 Qests with the same enemy and as i can see you have one map mount suvius and one will be Medusa map that has the same (almost the same monsters except names) as the maps to Gorga
    I can understand that there are allredy 3 nice maps on Gorga sector and is so easy to use them but it will be meah from my point of view.
  7. avalon31

    avalon31 Someday Author

    Nope, Q10 will be probably gorga. Then destructor and then new map called "shadow sea". I checked codes. there are unique rings which belongs for this Q´s
  8. Demon

    Demon Forum Mogul

    I dont understant ..rings for q10 or q9, also if you checked codes maybe you can tell us what items will be at q9 , from what i have seen on forums it will be amulet and boots, now you talk about rings.
    LE So there will introduce the rings for Alliance set so that finaly it will be complete.Some info about what new items will be on q9 q10 will be nice.
    Last edited: Aug 21, 2017
  9. avalon31

    avalon31 Someday Author

    There are infos about alliance set and these rings. Wait... maybe at 3.00 pm i will show some photos;)
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