q7 inf4 - grimmag

Discussion in 'PvE Players Wanted' started by Kurkos, Dec 23, 2018.

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  1. Kurkos

    Kurkos Forum Greenhorn

    hi i just want to ask for help in q7 inf 4. I have materi so i want to buy bow.
    server grimmag
    nickname kurkoz
    Ty for any help

    IKILLGIANTS Active Author

    how many materi frags you have?
  3. Kurkos

    Kurkos Forum Greenhorn

    sorry i wasnt active on forum because i decided that i want buy whole set not just a bow. i have now something over 120k frags. So if someone can help me u can write me in game or just write here on forum your nickname :) i have soulstones