Quest bug?

Discussion in 'Quests' started by TrashPvPclickers, Dec 9, 2020.

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  1. TrashPvPclickers

    TrashPvPclickers Forum Greenhorn

    So quest hide and seek 3/3 do not work...
    He say ,,Defeat the shadow creatures surrounding Sinyl'' You clear map and nothing happen.

    Same problem with quest ,,Lost in the Woods'' 1/4 when say's to find Clearing, you find them, enter and nothing happen... Empty map, some times have monsters...
  2. Lambrusco

    Lambrusco Board Analyst

    Hi TrashPvPclickers. about this two misions, i have same problem with hide and seek 3/3 but i found Sinyl in 2 different places but same map. One on the way to Ashraya she is there and same problem and the other one is when you leave Ashraya that it is same map than before but this time with a trace of blood that shows you where you have to go once you touch the stump, the only one without mushrooms. i know peopple who have done it, but don't know if you must re-start the map againg from the begining or what.

    About Lost in the woods 1/4, i think you mean when you leave Ashraya from the first time and follow that trace of blood. I found there who you are looking for and need to defend her, but enemies took a while to appear, but they did it. i moved a little bit by the map and they appeared. I don't know if the same is with the quest i wrote before...

    Hope it works to you
    Last edited: Dec 12, 2020